Chapter 49

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The first week of December passed way too fast

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The first week of December passed way too fast. Lost in neverending meetings and end-of-the-year reports, I hardly had time for anything else.

I did make sure to dance with Sky. We'd been going to the studio at least twice a week, making sure to practice but also having fun. Both of us needed it.

Sky was upset that Ellie had to travel home. Aiden's mood wasn't any better. The guys and I did what we could to cheer him up, but now, as Sky, Tim, Aiden, and I sat at a table in the beautiful restaurant Victor chose for our corporate Christmas dinner, I could tell Aiden was sad.

We talked to Ellie barely a few minutes ago. She was already at home, and soon my buddy would travel there as well. I kept telling him that — time did fly, especially when you had too many things to take care of.

As the waiters started to bring in the appetizers, I let my eyes roam my surroundings and smiled when they focused on Sky, chatting with my little brother.

She looked stunning in her black dress and red shoes. If it were up to me, I would ask her to leave them on while we—

"You have a beautiful roommate, junior," said Darren, who undoubtedly followed my line of vision.

I smiled. "Yeah. The girl you like looks great, too."

Darren smirked. "Oh, I know. And I may have taken your advice and made a move."

My eyebrows bunched up. "Wait, for real?"

Darren gave me a curt nod, looking in Claire's direction. "Yeah. I didn't think she'd say yes, but she did, and we went on a couple of dates. So far, so good. Let's see how it goes. I don't want to jinx it. What about you?"

"Same," I said. "We're taking baby steps and trying to make it work. We haven't told anybody, so please, don't disclose stuff before we do."

Darren winked at me. "Gotcha." I saw him take a seat next to Claire and smiled before I joined Sky, Tim, and Aiden, who already started eating.

The food was excellent, and I enjoyed talking to my colleagues way more than I thought I would. Even Aiden's mood improved. He smiled way more now and didn't look so miserable anymore.

When the dinner was over, Victor surprised all of us by saying we would play Spin The Wheel.

We gathered to the side and walked up to the wheel to spin it one by one. When it was my turn, I opened a small envelope once the wheel stopped, and saw that my prize was some excellent cognac.

"Holy shit," muttered Aiden when it was his turn to look at what prize he got.

Sky nodded at the card he was holding. "What is it?"

Aiden chuckled. "The main prize — a trip to the French Alps. "

"Lucky guy," I said, winking at him.

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