Chapter 17

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The overcast sky matched my gloomy mood when I exited our apartment building to go and meet Jenn

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The overcast sky matched my gloomy mood when I exited our apartment building to go and meet Jenn.

It wouldn't be the first time we'd hooked up. Sex with her was good, and she was a good person. In the past, I wouldn't have thought twice. She knew I didn't want a relationship, which made things easier. It was a mutually satisfying transaction, a win-win.

Now, I wasn't feeling like doing anything intimate with anyone. I was hurt and pissed at Sky about her future date with that dickhead. I was going to see another girl for that very reason, as stupid as it was.

We'd agreed to meet not too far from where I lived. I was strolling along the sidewalk as if I wanted to delay it. I certainly did.

Halting on the pavement, I took the phone out of my pocket and scrolled through the contact list until I found the number I needed.

Jenn picked up at the first tone.

"Liam, I'm running a bit late—"

"Jenn, listen. I know it's a dick move, but I'm not going to make it. You have a right to be mad. I won't blame you."

A pause down the line spoke volumes. Then, I heard Jenn sigh.

"You didn't say that something came up, and that means there's a reason why you've changed your mind. Who's the lucky girl?"

"My roommate," I said, thinking that the girl I stood up deserved my honesty.

"The gorgeous blond girl who couldn't take her eyes off you today? She's been taking pictures at the gym. I didn't know you were roommates."

"We are. I'm sorry, Jenn. I'm not going to give you the you deserve better speech, but it's true. You do."

Jenn let out a soft chuckle. "I get it. Thank you for being honest. I'd hate it if you were thinking about someone else while being with me."

"No hard feelings?"

"No hard feelings." Jenn laughed. "I won't accidentally drop the weights on you when you work out. Good luck with the girl."

"Thanks," I said.

We hung up. I debated my options. I could go home to Sky, but I didn't want to. There was still her decision to see her ex despite everything that happened between us on the weekend. I changed my mind, but she didn't.

Shoving my hands in the pockets of my leather jacket, I walked to the pub at the end of our street. There would be a basketball game on TV for sure. I could watch it to delay going back home.

The subdued lights and few customers sitting at the bar greeted me upon my arrival at the place. It made the pub a perfect hideout. I ordered a bottle of beer and sat at a table in the back, staring at the label, attempting to put my thoughts in order.

"Junior. Long time no see."

My head turned toward the voice I heard at the office day in day out. "Dar? I didn't know you lived in the area."

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