Chapter 10

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"I swear, Ellie, if he starts lecturing me again, I'm not sitting next to him at the table

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"I swear, Ellie, if he starts lecturing me again, I'm not sitting next to him at the table. You'll have to find me another plus one." Giving myself a once-over in Ellie's big mirror, I adjusted the cleavage of my red dress.

"Nice assets, Skylar. I know a certain someone who won't take his eyes off your girls."

I stuck my tongue out at my best friend. "That certain someone can look, but there's no way in hell he's touching anything ever."

Ellie giggled, tossing the tube of lip gloss into her small purse. "Hush. The guys are here. And never say never, Sky."

I grabbed my small clutch bag before opening the bedroom door and leaving the room.

Aiden and Liam stood in the hallway, both dressed in tuxes and looking hot. I knew I shouldn't check Liam out, not after our argument, but I couldn't help it.

He did try to talk to me, but I preferred to sulk in my room last night. Liam had no right to lecture me and tell me off. The movie was for Ellie, anyway. She was the one who wanted to surprise her guy, but there was no way I'd tell Liam that. Chicks before dicks.

I smiled at Aiden's face when he saw Ellie in her golden dress. She looked beautiful. All eyes would be on her as the youngest scholarship student of her Art school.

Ellie and Aiden made their way out, Liam and I followed them closely behind.

"You go first, guys. We'll reach you." Liam pointed to the elevator.

"Okay." Aiden took Ellie's hand in his, and the door behind them closed.

"Sky." Liam glanced at his feet and then looked at my face. "Forgive me, okay? I was an ass. I shouldn't have stuck my nose in your business that way."

"You shouldn't have." I sighed. "But well, okay. You're forgiven. It's my friend's big event, and I'd rather we didn't spoil it for her with our fight."

Liam nodded, saying nothing.

When we went outside, the cab was already there, waiting for us. A short drive later, we were standing next to the Palais Garnier.

Inside, the opera theater was magnificent. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the suspended chandelier, the ceremonial staircase made of white marble, and the many gilded artworks decorating the impressive foyer.

A glance at Liam told me he was just as awed by our surroundings. He was observing everything with an absent-minded look on his face, not paying much attention to the people around him.

"Our places are over there," Ellie said as we entered a beautiful hall. I watched my friend wave at someone from her school. Then, the four of us sat down at a table.

The event started with the speech of Ellie's rector. After that, they called each of their students to the front of the room to give them a gift and show their works on a big screen.

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