Chapter 57

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Liam loved basketball and dancing

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Liam loved basketball and dancing. He enjoyed reading before going to sleep and liked taking long walks when he needed to think. He drank his coffee black and listened to music while working on his laptop. Liam had an impressive collection of plain T-shirts and swore in French when a customer made him mad.

Liam loved his brother, and he loved me.

His love was like a warm blanket on a wintry day, like a cup of tea with a slice of lemon and a bit of honey when your throat was sore. His love was an unexpected call in the middle of the morning, just because he wanted to know how I was. It was him, waiting for me to have dinner together and watch a movie after, kissing under the blanket until our lips turned raw. Liam's love was an assortment of details and sweet gestures I grew to adore and appreciate in the little time we spent together as a couple.

I always thought this kind of love wasn't meant for me. It had always seemed unattainable, unreachable, meant for someone else. Now, I had it. I had him - all of him with his doubts and stubbornness and so many virtues. Liam jumped into it without any doubts, all in. And as much as I wanted to, I couldn't say the words.

I used them before with another person without knowing what they could mean when they were real. With Paul, nothing was. Everything was a lie. Although I left that part of my life behind, trusting someone the way I trusted Liam seemed scary. I knew he wouldn't hurt me, but the fear of suffering again was still there, preventing me from telling everyone about us and sharing my happiness with the world.

I was afraid that if I said it, something would tear us apart, and I didn't know if I could get over losing him. So, I tried to show Liam how I felt about him without saying it, and I hoped he could see how much he meant to me and how happy he made me.

With him, I felt sexy and pretty. When Liam and I were together, I let go and enjoyed what only he could do to my body. We made love without shame and doubts, getting lost in one another. Because he loved me, I loved myself a bit more, too.


Today, two things would happen - I was going to Skype my parents, and Liam and I would pick our friends up at the airport.

All of that would occur later. Right now, it was seven a.m., and Liam's arm kept me pressed to his warm body. His soft breath caressed the back of my neck. We didn't have to get up until eight, and I decided to let him sleep some more.

He had other plans.

Warm, wet lips pressed a kiss to my skin. Liam's hold on me tightened, and now, his hand moved up my body, until it touched my bare breast.

That caress alone ignited the familiar fire within me as if we hadn't spent half of the night making love.

"I want you now. Like this," Liam murmured, moving his hips slightly to show me how excited he was. His kisses started again, from my neck to my shoulder, more intense than before, matching the teasing rhythm he set with his fingers on my breast, teasing the sensitive part of it until a small moan escaped my lips.

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