Chapter 31

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Standing next to Ellie in the crowded warehouse that resembled a club tonight, I soaked in the festive atmosphere and observed the people who were invited to our surprise birthday party

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Standing next to Ellie in the crowded warehouse that resembled a club tonight, I soaked in the festive atmosphere and observed the people who were invited to our surprise birthday party.

I couldn't help it- my gaze drifted to Liam no matter how hard I tried to focus it on something else.

A dark-gray tee hugged his torso, showcasing his strong arms and trim, tapered waist. The black jeans he wore made the outfit even better. Liam was talking to Aiden, drinking something from a cup.

Ellie nudged my arm. "You're staring at him."

"I'm not."

"You are."

"I am."

She laughed. "Gave up fast, huh?"

"Don't you see how hot he looks? He's just so...dreamy."

"Honey, how much did you have to drink exactly?" my friend asked with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

"Not nearly enough. Yet. But I'm on my way there." I shrugged.

The melody I recognized rose above the chatter around us. "I love this song!" I beamed, looking at Ellie. "Let's go dance!"

Ellie nodded and took my hand, leading me closer to the DJ.

It didn't take me long to start to move with abandon, feeling myself relax as I surrendered to the music. Secretly, I hoped Liam was watching me as I moved my body to the loud beats song after song, singing with my best friend by my side.

"Sky, do you mind if we go to the ladies'? I want to change the shoes, and it's weird to do it here," Ellie said over the music.

I shrugged. "Okay. Let's go."

We made our way to the toilet in the back of the gym. I headed to the cabin, leaving Ellie at the sink.

I was still inside when I heard her talking to someone. Listening in, I tried to decipher the words, but the only thing I made out was who the voice belonged to.

It was the same voice saying that Liam was a God in bed.

She was here. The girl Liam slept with was here. She must have come to his party to be with him.

Just like that, jealousy overpowered my excitement and ruined my good mood, making me want to cry as I thought about every reason why Liam and I wouldn't work out. There would always be beautiful girls without issues, able to enjoy having sex without suffering from a panic attack.

As much as I hated the thought of facing the dark-haired goddess, I couldn't hide forever.

Slowly, I exited the cubicle and walked up to Ellie.

The girl's attention shifted from my friend to me. "Hey! Sky, right?" she asked. "Happy birthday!"

"Thanks!" I replied, frowning slightly as I opened the faucet and started to wash my hands.

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