Chapter 59

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They didn't let anyone accompany me into the hall where the hearing was

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They didn't let anyone accompany me into the hall where the hearing was. It might've been for the best.

I decided not to seek legal aid and prepared my statement on my own. I only had to answer the questions — tell them what happened. Tell them what he did. Tell the truth in French, knowing that he was there, listening to my every word.

I threw up three times in the morning, and once right before I had to testify. However, the quote I read somewhere was accurate — you don't know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice.

Saying goodbye to the misery Paul brought into my life took me half an hour. I saw the footage of the attack near my university and confirmed it was me. Paul didn't deny anything.

After the hearing, as I was gathering my belongings with shaky hands and a queasy stomach, I overheard them say he requested to be transferred to his home country and go to jail there. The laws were stricter than in France. If Paul thought he would have it easy, he was in for a surprise.

The person who made my life hell looked scared. He used to think he was invincible. His father's money gave him protection. Now, as the judge announced the verdict, I saw Paul cradle his head in his hands. Our eyes met for a fleeting moment before I turned around and walked out of the courtroom.

"Sweetheart!" Liam rushed toward me, with his shirt slightly creased and dark circles under his eyes. Just like me, he hadn't been sleeping well for the last few days.

I launched myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my nose in the crook of it. My body shook, releasing the unshed tears I'd managed to hold back during my testimony.

"Are you okay?" Liam cupped my face and pressed his forehead to mine. His thumbs caressed my wet cheeks, and I smiled through the moisture in my eyes, nodding.

"The verdict?"

"Fifteen years because of my case and the other one."

Liam squeezed me tighter. "Thank God. It's over, baby. It's finally over."

I sobbed harder, again, while Liam's gentle arms held me and
comforted me.

We stood outside the courtroom for a while. Then, Liam and I walked out of the courthouse holding hands, squinting at the unusually bright February sun. It seemed symbolic— the darkness was gone, giving way to the light. And light was how I felt.


It was Valentine's Day a couple of days after the trial. I woke up to Liam's kisses and a big bouquet of red roses on the nightstand.

Liam was already dressed for work. The exhaustion of the last weeks made me sleep way more than I usually did.

"You're gonna be late if you don't get up now," Liam murmured, giving me one last kiss. "And just to make sure, we're going to meet Aiden and Ellie at the movie theater after your lectures, right?"

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