Chapter 19

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The girls and I agreed to meet at nine to have something to eat before going to the club

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The girls and I agreed to meet at nine to have something to eat before going to the club. I knew Liam would be home at around seven, just when I would be getting ready.

The clock ticked away the hours surprisingly fast. Liam's key was turning in the lock in no time.

He seemed eager to see me, going straight to my room as soon as he took off his shoes.

"Hey," Liam said from the doorway. A frown took over his expression when he saw me dressed, applying makeup in front of the mirror. I didn't have money to splurge on furniture, but I spent an extra amount on the huge piece of glass in the beautiful, intricate silver frame.

"Hey." I smiled at him. "I'm going out with some girls from my class tonight."

"Going out where? And how well do you know them?"

"I like you more when you don't try to replace my dad." I rolled my eyes, swiping one of the fluffiest brushes over my cheek to add some color to my ghostly pale post-crying face.

"It's a normal thing to ask, considering it's Paris, you are new to the city, and since we live together, I feel responsible for you."

"Don't." I shrugged. "I'm a big girl. Don't you have better things to do?"

Liam sighed, and I caught something similar to vulnerability in the way he looked at me. "I guess I was just hoping we could spend some time together and talk, you know?"

"We talked enough, don't you think so?" I said, reaching for my red lipstick. It wasn't my usual choice, but tonight wasn't an ordinary night.

"You're punishing me for yesterday, I see. You're pissed at the wrong guy, roomie. Tell me the place you're going to at least. Even better, I can give you a ride there. You can save the cab money."

As tempting as the offer was, I didn't accept it, communicating my refusal with a shake of my head.

Liam gave me a barely perceptible nod. "Okay. I'll be in the living room."

I took my time getting ready. The last time I genuinely wanted to make an effort with my appearance was when Liam and I went out in his hometown.
I shook my head at the unwelcome thought and shoved my feet in a pair of heels, grabbing my small purse from the chair before I left my room.

"See you later," I said to Liam, who was watching something on TV with blatant disinterest.

"See you," he replied without looking at me.

The guilt consumed me on the cab ride to the place where the girls - Natalie and Diane -would wait for me. Liam didn't deserve my harshness. He was protective, and I did understand why. What he asked me was what I would ask Ellie if she was to go out without me. Not having your family near did make your friends the ones you had to rely on.

Rejecting Liam's offer to give me a ride wasn't a smart decision, either. Cabs in Paris were costly, and I had a list of things I'd rather spend my money on. Even one night out in Paris would put a dent in my already insufficient savings.

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