Chapter 51

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I sat on a chair in the kitchen with my phone pressed to my ear

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I sat on a chair in the kitchen with my phone pressed to my ear. Sky's aunt answered immediately.

"Liam, thank you for calling. I know it's late there, but there's something you need to know. It's about Paul Brown."

My mouth was dry when I answered, "No problem. What is it?"

A long sigh on the other end of the line did nothing to erase my concerns.

"You know that my boyfriend is a journalist, right? I think I told you."

I swallowed. "You did."

Samantha stopped talking for a moment. Then, I heard her say, "I told him the name, and Michael said it sounded familiar. Paul's father is the owner of a big factory in the area. That family is quite famous here."


Samantha cleared her throat. "Michael's program focuses on issues that matter in society. It's not a gossip talk show, all the opposite — they analyze the problem, invite experts and people who went through something similar. Sometimes, it helps because they raise awareness of issues that can be often overlooked.

"The reason why I texted you is that according to Michael, some months ago, they did a program about date rape. A girl called them and agreed to give her testimony if they guaranteed her identity would remain anonymous. She said her boyfriend raped her a little more than a year ago and his friends filmed it. Of course, she didn't have the video.

"The reason why she didn't want anyone to recognize her is that her boyfriend's wealthy family paid her a significant amount of money. She said her parents were poor, and despite wanting to press charges, she agreed to keep quiet as long as her boyfriend's father paid for her degree. According to the girl, Mister Brown didn't want a scandal. He would do anything to save his image. He gave her the money she asked for and also made sure to send his son abroad."

"Mister Brown as in Paul's father?" I whispered, my voice sounding broken and quiet.

Sam sighed. "Yes, Liam. Paul got away with rape. And just thinking that Sky dated him makes me sick to my stomach. I wanted to let you know so that you would be aware of how dangerous he is. Michael said the girl was terrified to speak, but the guilt she felt for letting him be free made her call the show a year later. They didn't mention Paul's identity for obvious reasons."

"So, that bastard's father basically bought her silence."

"He did. As long as she says nothing, she'll keep on getting money until she's done with her university studies."

"Thank you for telling me all of it," I said, staring at the kitchen floor.

"You're a good guy, and I feel calmer knowing that you're there with Sky. She's a wonderful, kind-hearted girl. I wish she hadn't met that monster. I don't know what I would do if he did something to her," said Samantha.

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