Chapter 41

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Her lips, her smell and the softness of her skin, all of her- every beautiful, delicious inch could have been mine tonight

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Her lips, her smell and the softness of her skin, all of her- every beautiful, delicious inch could have been mine tonight.

Could have, but wasn't because Tim had an important soccer match tomorrow, playing against one of the schools in the area, and the nerves got the better of him. My brother wanted cuddles, and I wanted Sky.

It took the little dude two hours to fall asleep, and now I lay in my bed, wide awake and frustrated. Sky wanted more, and leaving her without it had been a wrong move, but my hands were tied.

I had obligations, and taking care of Tim was one of them. What if Sky got tired of it?

On the other hand, I wanted to make the experience memorable for her. She deserved lit candles, and all night I would devote to pleasuring her in every way I had been picturing for weeks.

I wanted her to moan my name and not fear being heard. It would be our special night, where we would enjoy being with each other. I didn't want us to rush - not when Sky had never felt what I knew she'd feel when we were together. As close as I was to stripping her bare and putting my hands and lips on her, it wouldn't have been the way it should have.

And then, there were my nagging suspicions, rearing their ugly heads after I'd spent the previous night reading about abuse and trauma. I wanted to give Sky a chance to talk to me before we got closer because I desperately wanted to be wrong.

I didn't know how I would handle the situation if that bastard did something unforgivable, but I knew myself. Trust was everything to me. For the first time since my cheating high school girlfriend and I broke up, I found myself wanting to be in a relationship, but it wouldn't happen if Sky refused to be honest.

Suspicions and doubts would erode the fragile connection we'd created. More than that, I could unknowingly do something that would hurt her. I would hate it if she ran away from me like she'd done several times.

Letting out a deep breath, I covered my eyes with my forearm and ordered myself to relax, push the images of the blue-eyed girl out of my mind, and get much-needed sleep.


In the morning, I took a quick shower and dressed for work before going to the kitchen to get our breakfast ready. Sky was still asleep. I knew she didn't have her first lecture and would stay in bed longer.

Having made some orange juice, I poured it into three glasses and placed one of them on a tray together with a bowl of oatmeal with fruit and yogurt and a cup of coffee - black, no sugar, no cream. The way Sky liked it.

Then, I grabbed a notepad and tore off a page. Thinking for a moment, I wrote, 'sorry for yesterday. I owe you the biggest O in the history of Os' on the paper square, and put the note next to Sky's breakfast.

Tim entered the kitchen, then, still in his pajama, with his hair sticking out in all directions.

"Morning, buddy," I greeted my brother. "Today's the big day, huh? I thought you'd be dressed by now."

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