Chapter 65

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I kiss Liam's lips once more because I can't get enough

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I kiss Liam's lips once more because I can't get enough. With him, it never is.

The fingers of one of my hands are in his hair now, combing through the strands. I trace the contours of his face with my other hand, smiling when a content, lazy smile appears on his lips, and Liam opens his eyes and looks at me.

"You're beautiful, sweetheart. Have I told you that?"

"Many times," I reply, smiling.

"Even more beautiful after I make love to you. Your skin is flushed, and you have a special gleam in your eyes."

"And you're always so relaxed right after."

Liam laughs and pulls my naked body to him. It's June, but the nights aren't too warm yet. I shiver slightly, and Liam covers us with a blanket, kissing my lips.

"We can't fall asleep," he whispers in a while. "The sun will rise soon; we'll have to return to the tents."

"I know. Our friends probably noticed we're missing."

Liam presses his lips to my forehead, whispering, "I don't give a damn. We are all adults. What we do is our business. Besides, I wouldn't worry about the guys. O'Brien had too much to drink and Alex seems to be a heavy sleeper. Aiden was sleeping, too."

"I love being with you," I say, tracing patterns on Liam's chest. "You give me peace, but also butterflies. Every single time."

"It means we're good for each other. I feel the same way about you. And I get something else apart from butterflies."

Liam kisses my neck and moves slightly. I feel his hardness against my stomach and blush in the dark. He smirks as if he can see my crimson cheeks.

I giggle, caressing him. "Again?"

Liam nods, smiling at me. I know the look in his eyes— it's desire, and tenderness, and love. I move on top of him and our mouths are joined in no time.

It's a possessive, raw kiss— nothing like the tender lovemaking that happened on this very blanket half an hour ago. We devour each other's lips and touch each other's bodies shamelessly as if we weren't in the middle of the woods with our friends sleeping in their tents not too far from us.

We forget about everything as soon as our bodies become one. I move with him, and he covers my mouth with his palm when his body, lips, and hands bring me close to the edge.

Liam watches me fall apart, whispering words of  encouragement, and I surrender to him and my feelings.

It's love what I feel, but I am too scared to admit it out loud. What we have seems too intense, too deep, too honest.

It's too good to be true, because, until Liam, nothing was real. His love is a camera lens through which I see a different Sky — a brave, confident, beautiful girl. He makes me believe that girl is real.

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