Chapter 67

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I stared at Jim, unwilling to believe it was him

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I stared at Jim, unwilling to believe it was him. My tired eyesight must have been playing tricks on me.

"It's really me. Are you lost, Loverboy?"

The dude could barely hold in the laughter, while I stood gaping at him like an idiot.

"Not lost, just confused. What the hell are you doing here? Do you live here, or something?"

O'Brien shrugged. "I could ask you the same. See that house over there? It's mine. A friend left it to me, and I'm fixing stuff little by little."

"Your friend is generous," I said.


"I'm sorry."

Jim sighed. "Yeah, me too. I love this place. So peaceful and beautiful. So, what brings you here? And where's Blondie? By the way, would you like an apple from the garden? Zero chemicals, that shit is the best."

I laughed. "Maybe later, thanks. And as for your question, that old Victorian is mine. I inherited it from my great-grandmother whom I've never met. She died when I was six and left everything to me. Apparently, I also have a grandmother. Have never met her either. And Sky...I have to get her back. Shit happened with her family and we broke up. Well, she did, but I'm dragging her back to Paris even if it's the last thing I'll do."

O'Brien nodded, biting off a chunk of his apple. "Atta boy. So, have you seen the house well already?"

I shook my head. "No. Why?"

Jim scratched the back of his neck. "Well, you're telling me it's been empty for how many years?"


"Right. You need to check the water and electricity. Storms are frequent in this area, sometimes the power is out for days. Are you gonna stay here long?"

"I was planning to bring Sky here once I've talked to my grandmother."

O'Brien let out a deep sigh. "You've got a lot to learn, Loverboy. You can't bring her here without checking everything first. What if there are rats?"

"I suck at this." I sighed. "I've lived in apartments all my life."

Jim pretended to be shocked. "Ah, those spoiled city kids. But don't worry; it's your lucky day cause I'm here. Come on; let's take a look."

I led Jim into the house. Indeed, he was right— I couldn't risk taking my girl to a place without making sure it was in a good state. I wanted us to spend some quality time together and solve our issues. The thought made me realize I would have to stay here at least one more day to clean everything and prepare the room we would sleep in.

"Your great-grandma had a good taste, Liam." I heard Jim say. He was in the living room, inspecting the furniture he'd uncovered. "Let me see if there's water and electricity."

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