Chapter 64

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The melody from the music box Liam had given me wasn't loud enough to drown the sound of my parents arguing

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The melody from the music box Liam had given me wasn't loud enough to drown the sound of my parents arguing.

I lay in bed, staring at the little ballerina and soaking my pillow with tears. I'd been doing it for three days.

I regretted leaving as soon as the plane took off. The pain on Liam's face was haunting me day and night.

The only text I received from him yesterday read, The kids placed second.

I tortured myself with the video of our and their performance I'd found online and rewatched at least twenty times, pausing it on the moments I loved the most.

There was plenty of time for that. My parents were too busy accusing each other of every sin that existed to pay attention to me. It was as if they forgot making me leave everything to return home.

I couldn't stand it anymore.

Having placed the box on the nightstand carefully, I pulled on a pair of jeans and the first tee I managed to find in my still made suitcase.

Then, I grabbed my purse and made my way downstairs. Telling my parents I was leaving was useless; I opted for writing a note.

My destination was an hour away from my parents' house. The cash I had was luckily enough to buy a bus ticket.

The bus dropped me off at the station, and I had to walk the rest of the way until I found myself in a quiet neighborhood in front of a modern house with big windows. I walked up the driveway and took a lungful of air before pressing the button of the doorbell.

The door opened wide. Michael was on the other side of it. "Sky?" he asked, staring at me as if I were a ghost. Luckily, he snapped out of it fast and stepped aside to let me in.

"Sam, look who's here!"

I heard rushed footsteps, and then my aunt Sam appeared next to her fiancé.

"Oh my God, Sky! What are you doing here? I didn't know you were visiting!"

Sam hugged me tightly, and the comfort of her embrace was the catalyst for my tears that fell off my eyes and flowed down my cheeks immediately.

"Baby, what is it?" asked Sam, taking my face between her palms. "Come with me, we're not gonna do it in the hallway. We've just moved into this house, and half of our stuff is in boxes, but the living room is all set."

"I'll make some coffee," Michael said, and retreated into the adjacent open-plan kitchen, undoubtedly to give us some space.

Sam and I sat on a huge sectional that took up the center of the room. My aunt studied my tear-stained face for a moment. "Spill it, baby girl. What are you doing back, and what happened for you to cry like that?"

I accepted a tissue Sam gave me and wiped my wet cheeks dry. "You know what happened." I let out a dry laugh. "My dad's mistake happened, and my parents asked me to come back home to help them out. They can't pay for my stay in Paris anymore."

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