Chapter 39

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Sky's steps halted, and she looked at me

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Sky's steps halted, and she looked at me. "What happened?"

"Tim is at Antoine's till nine. Why don't you get your things so that we can walk somewhere beautiful? I'll tell you everything."

"Okay. Wait while I get changed."

Sky rushed to the dance hall where she'd been exercising, and I waited for her at the reception, studying the interior of the old building.

Ollie would say it had potential and suggest a way to improve it. The guy adored renovations. Both Aiden and I thought he would gladly take up more projects of that kind if he had more time.


Sky was next to me, wearing her coat with a scarf wrapped around her neck.

I took her warm hand in mine, and we walked out of the building. After locking the door, Sky looked at me.

"Where do you want to go?"

"What about the Sacré Cœur? It's not windy today; we can walk around Montmartre and see the city from the hill," I said, tightening my grip on Sky's hand as we started to stroll along the alley toward the busy street.

"Sounds nice. Like a date." I heard Sky say.

"It is a date. Unplanned, but I'll try to make it good."

Leaning into me, Sky let me drape an arm across her shoulders. "What did you want to tell me?" she asked.

I glanced at the fallen leaves beneath my feet before answering, "I went to my hometown this morning and saw my ex-girlfriend."

Feeling Sky slip out of my grip, I pressed her body to mine and kissed her cheek. "Don't assume things, sweetheart. A letter from the States addressed to me arrived at the dance school where my mom used to work, and as my ex works there now, she wanted to give it to me."

Sky looked at her boots. "Did anything happen between the two of you when you were there?"

I halted on the sidewalk and pulled Sky into a tight hug. "No. I'm with you, and I don't want to be with anyone else. I picked up the letter, met her son, and that was it."

Sky's eyes widened. "Son?"

"Crazy, right?" I chuckled. "But yeah, she has a kid, a boy. So, you have nothing to worry about."

"I don't have a right to be jealous, I guess," Sky said quietly.

"You do," I replied. "That's why I wanted to tell you where I'd been to avoid misunderstandings later."

"Thank you for telling me. So, what does it say?"

"What do you mean?"

Sky chuckled. "The letter. Didn't you read it?"

I shook my head. "I feel like it's a kind of Pandora's box. What if I open it, and find out stuff I'd rather not know?"

"It can be something good."

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