Chapter 55

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It'd been almost two weeks since we came back from the mountains

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It'd been almost two weeks since we came back from the mountains. Not many things happened.

Felix told me to keep calm. They were working on the case, and I would receive news soon. Meanwhile, Paul was still free, roaming Parisian streets.

Afraid of the repetition of what Paul tried to do to me, Liam insisted on taking me to classes and picking me up after them. Today, he would wait for me next to my university as well, but the reason was different— we were going to see Sophia together.

It would be my first appointment after the attack and the winter break. Sophia went on vacation and came back yesterday. Luckily, she could pencil us in for today.

Tim started his new soccer training program, which gave Liam more free time. Today, the boy was staying with Antoine.

"Is your boyfriend picking you up again?" asked Natalie when we exited the university building, and I spotted Liam's car idling close to it.

"Yeah," I replied.

My classmate smiled. "Lucky you. Have fun with your hot guy."

I waved goodbye to her and rushed toward Liam's car. As soon as I opened the door and sat in the passenger seat, Liam cupped my face in his palms and captured my lips in a tender kiss.

"Well, hello," I said against his mouth.

Liam put his hand on my knee and caressed it before gripping the gear stick. "All good, sweetheart?"

"Yeah. The classes aren't so hard this semester."

Liam nodded without letting his eyes stray from the dense traffic on the road. "Anything weird you've noticed?"

"Nothing. Stop worrying. He won't be stupid to come near me after those two people saw him and he ran away. I'm sure he's hiding somewhere."

"We shouldn't underestimate him, baby. Okay, enough about the bastard. I was going to ask you if you're sure you're comfortable with me going to see your therapist with you."

I smiled and looked at Liam. "Of course. I need to tell her about the attack, and having you there with me will help. Besides, I want you to meet Sophia."

Liam focused on driving. In barely five minutes, he slowed down next to the building where Sophia's office was.  After parking the vehicle, Liam took my hand in his, and we made our way inside.

Sophia's door was open; she was waiting for us.

"Sky." She beamed at me. "It's good to see you again. I hope your winter break was okay."

"It was, thank you," I replied. Noticing that Sophia was looking at Liam, I said, "This is Liam, my boyfriend. I hope you don't mind that I asked him to accompany me."

Sophia laughed. "God, no. Not at all. In fact, it's good that he's here. I'm Sophia," she added, shaking Liam's hand.

Liam and I sat on the couch side by side. Not wanting to waste time, I decided to rip off the proverbial band-aid and tell Sophia about the attack first.

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