Honcho is the best relationship saver!

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Honcho:*walking and notice Valt looking gloomy then walks up to him* Hey buddy, what's wrong?

Valt:*sighs sadly* It's Shu......he didn't seems to pay any attention to me.......

Honcho:Don't worry pal, I'll fix this!  *inhales then shout*  HEY VALT!!!!!!!! IS THAT A HICKEY?!?!?!?!?!

Literally almost everyone was shock and stares at Valt

Valt: Wha........?! *was now a blushing mess*


Shu:*kicks door till it break then have a scary, cold, angry voice* Who......?

Valt:/Huh?! It actually worked?!/💦

Honcho:Uhh......It's Luis! *points Lui*

Lui:What the hell man?!?!?!

Shu:*torturing Lui's @$$*

Shu:*goes to Valt and hug him then kiss him* Get rid of that......

Valt:No...I don't actually have a hickey...

Shu:Then lemme give you want~

Valt:*shows a phone with Daigo's number on it* Want me to?

Shu:*pissed*Please don't........

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