Naoki and Valt #2

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Naoki: *looking at random science stuff in his tablet whiles wearing earmuffs because he doesn't want to hear loud noises*

Valt: *just sitting beside Naoki than saw his fluffy earmuffs*

Naoki: Valt.........What are you staring at?

Valt: Your earmuffs! Can I? -

Naoki: No

Valt: Aw come one! Please?~...*puppy dog eyes as he puff his cheeks*

Naoki: That won't work on me...*resist*

Valt: Please?~.........♡

Naoki: *100% can't resist* Fine.... 5 seconds only......

Valt: Yay! *goes to Naoki's lap*

Naoki: What the bey?!

Valt: *sits on Naoki's lap* Just need the right position!

Naoki: Valt, I'm regretting even acknowledg-

Valt: *pulls Naoki's head to reach for his earmuffs without realizing he push Naoki's face too close to his chest* So soft and the fur is so thick!

Naoki: *blushing like hell while having his gay panic*

15 minutes later

Valt: *stills playing with Naoki's earmuffs*

Wakiya/ Shu: *pass by and saw Valt and Naoki*

Wakiya: *looks at Shu*

Shu: *insanely jealous*

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