Naoki and Valt

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Naoki:*doing some experiments*

Valt:*was sneaking around in Naoki's lab and proceed to touch anything he sees*

Naoki:*doesn't notice anything because he was focusing on his experiments*

Valt:*proceed to try the hair spray on Naoki's hair*

Naoki:Valt?!?! How the fuck did you get in here?!?!?!

Valt:Does this thing really work? *shows the hairspray*

Naoki:*realize Valt isn't holding the original and regular hairspray* Shit.........

Naoki:*lifts Valt like a puppy and put him outside of his house and close the door locked* My hair is going to fall of......

And just like that his hair fall off and he was crying while finding solution to fix this.

Lucky he success;-))

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