News again ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)

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Octavia(Me): Alright you buttheads! We have yet another new-

Naoki: Are you still cutting your hands because of stress?

Octavia: Yes

Naoki: How many times now?

Octavia: Yes

Naoki: *facepalm*

Octavia: Okay, forget about me and my problems! We'll deal with that later but right now, I have really exciting news!

Everyone: What is it?

Octavia: I'll make a-

Valt: If I'm the protagonist in your story again then I'm out!

Octavia: Yes, your the protagonist in my story again!

Valt: Darn it!

Octavia: Don't worry, you won't appear on the first chapter. You'll appear on the prologue!

Valt: Is this another one of your dark but drama twisted story?

Octavia: Yup! I'm glad you know that! Because your going to be dead in this story!

Shu: NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Valt: Well it's better than suffering on the bed (and if you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) eheh~...)

Shu: *blush a little* Did I get too rough on you-

Valt: Shut up!

Octavia: Okok! Don't fight! The villain is of course Lui

Lui: Hell yeah!

Octavia: Shu is the crying drama and will avenge Valt

Shu: Why do you always wanted me to suffer?!

Octavia: Bruh! Your his fricking best friend!

Shu: No! I'm his boyfriend!

Valt: We're not even dating......

Shu: You don't realize we're holding hands right now, right?~

Valt: *slaps Shu's hand away* 💢💢💢

Octavia: And the mysterious one is someone else........

Everyone: Who?

Octavia: You'll see~

Stay tune dears~

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