Returned and Reunited

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Sneak peek (I love making sneak peeks when I'm making anew story UwU)

The planes lands as the flight attendance were helping people taking their luggage out.

All passengers were now looking for the exist gate or probably some of them need to take another flight....

Valene was pulling her luggage to the exit gate and straight away heading to the train after all those learning and work she have.

Buying only a mocha at a nearby coffee shop, she went to the train station waiting. It's a long hour, she line up to hop on the train.

The train wasn't really crowded, so she'll get there earlier.

Hours later

She got out from the train then sigh seeing herself back here...

"As I I'm gonna see them, I just came here for a day off....." She thought to herself as she walks...

Why can things get any better?

It was evening and Shu was walking after a hard training. Both besties looks at the other side and their eyes locked.

She broke the eye contact by rolling her eyes then continue walking not for Shu to let her leave just like that without an explanation.

"V-Valene?!?!" Shu was shock looking at his old best friend who he hadn't seen for almost a year!

She ignores him, she just wanted to go find an apartment or at least somewhere to rest from all the hard surgeries work!

Shu chases after her then caught her and begins asking multiple questions. But Valene quickly shuts him out.

"Look I don't want to answer any questions   and know what you feel! I don't care!" She yelled as she left walking faster leaving Shu speechless.

Shu's mind is full of questions...

She changed......


And mentally.....

But why would a kind girl like her do that?

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