Another hidden secret of Lady Cho

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Lady Cho: Valt, can you help me feed my goldfish? They're in my room now.

Valt: Sure!

Valt: *goes to her room* Wow it's still the same but cleaner!

Valt: *notice something under her bed then picks it up* Strange

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Valt: *notice something under her bed then picks it up* Strange.... What kind of key is this?

Valt: It's really pretty though

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Valt: It's really pretty though. I'm curios about this! *remembers the goldfish* Dang it! The goldfish!!!!!


Lady Cho/Valt: *sitting on the couch watching ASMR mukbang*

Valt: Hey BG....

Lady Cho: Yea? What is it blueberry?

Valt: I was wondering....and curious...... What's this key for?

Lady Cho: Where did you get that?!

Valt: Under your bed, I thought you drop it or something......

Lady Cho: ......... We'll keep this a secret between us...

Valt: Okay!

Lady Cho: Come with me...

At the royal garden....

Valt: BG, are you okay with these butterflies fluttering everywhere in your garden?

Lady Cho: Yeah, they're my favorite insects. So that's why I have a butler that can help me with the gardening when I'm busy...

Butler: *bows* Good day to you Lady Nightingale and Valt Aoi

Lady Cho/Valt: Good day to you too...

Valt: They still call you Nightingale?

Lady Cho: Yeah.... But nevertheless....

Valt: Oh..... Geez, I never went this far from the garden....

Lady Cho: Don't worry, we're getting closer now...

Valt: I have the key here so don't worry

Lady Cho: Good you have it, I'm not gonna walk back there to grab it.... And look we're here!

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