How to find Valt

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Shu:What the hell guys?!?!?! You just let Valt off the hook?!

Daigo:I try to stop them

Ken:I'm busy buying Sailor Moon


Wakiya:Is his fault for going somewhere to far

Shu:You guys make me pissed for losing Valt!

Daigo:Shu, we know your protective and-

Wakiya:Oh please, he has a crush on him though


Shu:Get to the point! Go and find Valt this instant!

Ken:But how? He's super short and probably far from us

Honcho:I think I have an idea! *goes up stage and lifts a piece of bey bread* I'M GONNA EAT THIS BEY BREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!

No response

Wakiya:No,he won't fall for bey bread easily idiot! Watch and learn *goes up stairs* I HATE SHU!!!!!!!!!!

No response

Shu:*throws a shoe at Wakiya hitting his face*

Wakiya:WATCH IT!!!!!!!

Ken:Oh! Oh! I'll try!!!! I HAVE FREE MY HERO ACADEMIA MERCHANDISE!!!!!!!!!!!!

No response

Ken:Doesn't work....

Shu:You guys..........

Daigo:Your all fools! *gets to stage* I HAVE BTS MERCHANDISE!!!!!!!!!!

Valt:*shoves crowds* WHERE?!?!?!?!


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