When nobody takes Valt seriously

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I found some pictures but too lazy to download it.

So I'm just gonna write it

Cuza: Smile!~

Ken: Sweet!~

Nika: Sister!~

Shu: Sadistic!~

Toko/Kit: Surprise!~

Honcho/Wakiya: Service!~

Everyone(almost though): We are-!!!!

Valt: Shut up! Just shut up minna!!!! (everyone)

Everyone: *turns off the song then shuts up*

*cricket sounds*

Valt: *spots a grasshopper on the plant* That goes for you too!

Grasshopper: :(

Lui: So....-

Valt: Don't speak!

Lui: *covers mouth*

Valt: You olders and youngsters! Let me sleep in peace!!!! I have something to deal with tomorrow early morning!!!!!!💢💢💢💢 One more noise you make enough to wake me up! And if I wake up! *angry bull noises* Something terrible will happen! *casually leaves then went to his room*

Wakiya: Nah! He's too dumb! Let's continue!

Daigo: Please don't-

Everyone-Daigo: WE ARE STILE!!!!!! *continue singing the Blend S theme*

The next day

Daigo: *walking to Valt's room while sipping his coffee* Hey Valt? *knocks the door then proceeded to opens it* Hey lil buddy, sorry I couldn't stop them. I could-  *no sign of Valt* Valt?!??

With Valt

Valt: Alright! Give me the moola!

Man: *hands suitcase full of  Yen 💴* Here

Valt: Thanks and keep in mind, no more stealing drugs!

Man: Okay geez! You mean kid!

Valt: *goes home*

At home

Everyone: *crying because they lost the most precious and purest person in this mansion*

Valt: *opens door* Hey guys I'm back! I brought- *sees them confusingly* Uh...

Shu: *notice Valt* Valt!!! Your back!!! *tackles him into a hug* We're glad you came back!!!!! We promise to always listen to you! But just don't go anywhere!!!!!

Valt: I am not even leaving!!!!!!

Shu: Your not? Then where did you actually go?!

Valt: I told you I have a deal to settle.....

Daigo: What kind of deal

Valt: Just money stuff, let me go now! I want to rest...

Shu: If you need your beauty sleep, I'll turn on the air conditioner for you *goes to his room and turns it on*

Valt: No, I don't-

Wakiya: *apply face mask on Valt* Here, for your beauty sleep

Valt: I'm not even a woman!!!!!

Lui: I have an eye cover if you can't shut your eyes

Valt: I can sleep perfectly fine!!!!!!!!

Honcho: I havean air freshener for you! *puts it on Valt's night stand*

Valt: I already have one!!!!!!!

Daigo: Here a plush toy *placing all the plush toys on his bed*

Valt: Why do you have this?!?!?!

Xander and his dojo gang: We've got extra pillows for extra comfty!!!!

Valt: I might suffocate!!!!!!!!

Free: If your too scared or your room is depressing, I have LED lights for your room to brighten your smile

Valt: I don't need that stuff!!!!!

Shu: I'll turn it on to max if it's okay with you Valt!!! *turns air conditioner on max*

Valt: What the heck Shu?!?!?

Toko/Nika: We have beybreads!

Valt: Not you twins, too!!!!!! Great just great!!!!! This is even worse than last night!!!!!!! 💢💢💢💢

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