Wicked Valt AU

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Beyblade burst AU parody

Shu: He turns evil because you teach him how to be and ask Naoki to turn him evil!!!! *was about to punch Lui but was stop by Cuza*

Naoki: I can fix this!!!! Just give me a moment!!!!  *struggling to fix it*

Cuza: But chill guys! He hasn't done anything bad yet! Let's take look outside! *goes out followed by Shu and Lui then they saw a mailman at Valt's house*

Mailman: *rings door bell then tales out letter* Special delivery- Agh!!! *gets hit by door*

Pain and regret and frustration and sadness~

Valt: *looking innocent as he gracefully skips and let the butterfly lands on his hand*

Misery, turmoil, and anger and madness~

Valt: *blows butterfly to the spider web making causing a spider and butterfly murder scene*

The smell of the garbage, the taste of despair~

Valt: *proceed to kick the dumpsters as he smells the aroma of garbage

These simple things leave me walking on air~

Valt: *saw a man watering his plants as he took his scissor and cuts the flower then left before throwing the scissor back to his bag*

Toothache and heartburn and bad halitosis~

Valt: *opens whoever's mailbox and takes all the letters then throws it up in the air while dancing so gracefully and innocently*

Hay fever, bunions, and deep vein thrombosis~

Principal: *gets out from his car*

Valt: *dances as he took the bucket giving a little spin before splashing it to the principal Hidetaro's car then leaps away innocently and happily*

A trip to the dentist, the sound of the drill
These are the things that will give me a thrill~

Principal Hidetaro: *comes back and sees his car covers in dirty water then tackles the worker since his cleaning the glass and of course you need to use water*

When the milk spills, when your dog's ill
When all hope takes flight~

Guy: *puts money in wallet but before putting it in his suit, he notices Valt and fall for his innocence then twirls around with him but only to notice his wallet is gone*

Valt: *leaps gracefully and pass by Shu, Cuza and Lui with a horrified look on their face*

When everyone else feels incredibly sad, my world fills with pure delight~

Valt: *uses a can spray to change the sign speed limit from 80 to 800 as he waits for the car impact near a little boy who was licking his ice-cream*


Little boy: *shock in fear*

Valt: *slaps his ice-cream as it lands on the floor then leaps away*

Little boy: *sobs as tear starts drips in Valt's cup*

Valt: *takes a small sip of the little boy's tear then throws the glass on the little boy's head till it breaks*

When you slip up, when you trip up
When you stub your toe~

Old guy: *drops his key then tries to reach it but his back crack*

And here comes Valt acting innocent as he picks up the keys and savagely toss it in the car from the car's window as he leaps away leaving the old man trying to get his key

Valt: *comes back to push the car as it slides down with old man passing by a horrified Cuza, Shu and Lui

I point and I cackle
I clap and I laugh
And happiness starts to flow!!!!~

Valt: *gracefully leaps on car till every car he stepped breaks*

Shu: Oh! You call that didn't do anything bad yet?!

Lui: I call that innocent playing

Cuza: Okok! We're getting Valt back and- *saw Valt at Shu's apartment* Hey Shu I think he's spraying at your front door!

Shu: What?!

Lui: Pfft!!! *laughs*

Cuza: You better go up there now or- OH MY GOD HIS ABOUT TO THROW YOUR TELEVISION AND MORE!!!!!!!

Shu: Wait! That's a beand new TV!!!! I just bought that!!!!!!

Welp, how are the trios gonna change Valt into the real one now?

Stau tune-


Valt: *grins evilly as he drops the couch* >:D

Cuza: What a waste.........

Lui: *taking pictures*

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