If they even knew....

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Sneak peak! Nurse Valene Aoi AU

"No! The way you launch is wrong! Why did you even want to become a blader?!"

"You know, you should always leave this school"

"No boys are interested in you because your to ugly!"

"Why were you even born in this world?  You freak!"

"Your better off dead!"

"It's better if you just give up blading or life!"

"I'm tired of training with you!!!"

"Why can't you just grow up?!?!"


"Your so useless! No wonder your so called best friends dislike you"

"It's probably your own fault that your dad died!"

"Like we care about your dad anyways!"

"Stop playing the victim you idiot b*itch!!"

"She's a f*cking spoiled rotten brat! That's why her dad died!"

"Man, her family might be tired of her and probably dreams of throwing her at the dumpster full of sh*t!!!"


Everday those harsh words enter through my ear and to my head

All stares and gossip....

I don't like it....

I've been mentally abused by....everyone, even my own family...

I hated life....

But dying.....as if I got a chance?!

My so called family and friends accused me for the death of my dear father.....

I'm not even a wizard that controls the air!

Oh... Wow... I just want fix their already mess up brain..

Rewriting the tragic history?! How stupid...

I was traumatized about my father's dead and this is what I get?!

Being mentally abused.......it's the worst...

I also quit becoming a blader....because some of my so called friends always scolded at me when I do the wrong thing even the smallest one......

How stupid......

Valene's POV

"That's a very long flight....." I said to myself as I walk to the hotel while pulling my luggage with me.

Right now, I'm at Australia. For what? Study! What else?!

The woman at the counter gave me the key as I took the elevator to go to my room. Finally, I got some peace moment now....

No more some stupid reason, harsh words, immature attitude, scolding and more...

I don't miss anyone but my dad....

If they even knew I left Japan....

Like I care anyways....

I hope nobody miss me, because I don't want to see their lying faces.....

I unlock my room, then turns on the air conditioner before flopping on the soft pure white bed to rest.

I slowly shut my eyes close to take a long nap......

Oof sneak peak

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