Author's story time

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Star: *looking at her face in a mirror*

Valt: Hey BG, what are you up too?

Star: Valt.... Tell me truthfully......

Valt: Okay?....../Please don't talk about Shu, I'm sick of it!/

Star: Am I even pretty and cute?!?!?!?! 💢💢💢

Valt: Ugh.... I mean that's up for your classmates to well.... Tell??

Star: I look fricking ugly and I look like an ugly nerd when I puton my reading glasses!!!!💢💢💢

Valt: Well, all petite girls are cute!

Star: Well I'm not!!!! Ever since-

Dante/Hikaru/Hyuga: *burst in Star's room* YAY! STORY TIME!!!!!

Star: ............... Ever since I started highschool!


I was a little nervous at that time, shakingly walking to reach at my class. As I walk in, I sat with a boy who happens to be a muslim.

When the teacher came, she wants to change our seats by following the alphabets of our name. So I sat with another muslim but it's a girl.

She's very friendly towards me and she the most ridiculous question which is....

"Are you and ***** (not gonna tell you the person's name >:)) a couple?"

That question makes me stops that I felt like I already died. I hesitated a little and answer a no telling her we're just friends.

She apologizes a bit and saids that I'm pretty. Completely shy about the compliment, I can't let a word out of my mouth.

I changed the subject and talk about random stuff.

P. S. I'm actually not good at making friends. They were the one who comes to me and introduce themselves to me. But at least I get along with all my classmates pretty well.

During the English class, one girl who I found so kawai and even her voice is cute. She says the same thing, but about my body shape.

Like bruh?! What?! She saids my body shape is so pretty and she even said I look cute?!

I mean okay thank you but god, I don't even know what to say due to my shyness. After a while, I manged to get away from the awkward conversation.

Flashback ends

Dante: Well that's an awkward conversation?

Star: You think so? First day of school and I already have an admirer! But I rejected him UwU

Hyuga: Man.....

Hikaru: Your so cold....

Star: That's my style! I mean, why would I found a partner in such a young age!

Valt: I mean, don't you want to get marry?

Star: No, I'm not wasting my time and life to get a fricking partnert!

Valt: Your so cold.....

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