Beyblade burst as Demon Slayer

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Valt Aoi as Kanae Kocho

Aiger Akabane as Shinobu Kocho

Dante Koryu as Kanao Tsuyuri

Kinda fit this trio though :)

(Who dare hurt Dante, I'm calling Delta!)

It hurts

I'm hungry

I'm sad

I feel hopeless

I'm in agony

I'm lonely

That was my life....

But then, one day...


I heard a sound like a snap

And I never knew pain again

And I never knew pain again....

While living in a poverty,

even when my parents sold me..

It didn't make me sad...

Valt: Ano, do you have a minute?

Man: Huh?

Valt: Could you tell us why that child is tied up?

Valt: Is he a criminal, perhaps?

Man: Isn't it obvious? He's flea-ridden, and his face is dirty.

Man: Not to mention, she might try to escape.

Valt: *bends down a little to get a good view on Dante* Konichiwa, nice to meet you. My name is Valt Aoi. What's your name?

Dante: *stares emotionless*

Man: He's got no name alright! His parents never gave him one. Happy now? Get away from him. *about to reach his hand*

Aiger: *slaps his hand away causinga scene* Please don't touch my sensei.

Man: What's your problem you two? If you wanna talk to this kid, pay up!

Aiger: *looks at Valt* Alright, then, we'll purchase him. Would this be enough? *throws money dramatically*

Man: *shook af*

Aiger: *grabs rope and makes a run for it with Valt*

Man: Hey come back here, dammit!

Aiger: I'd pick it up right now if I were you! After all, there's a crowd here and the wind is strong!

Valt: Are you sure about this?

Aiger: It's fine.

Valt: Please excuse us! *glance at the man*

Man: Hands off! It's my property!!!

Valt: Ara ara...

At their mansion

Aiger: *washing the poor baby*


Aiger: Nii san! Nii san!!!..Nii san, this child is hopeless!!!

Valt: *polishing his bey then looks at the frustrated Aiger*

Aiger: He can't do anything without being told! That goes for meals, as well!

Aiger: He won't touch his food unless I tell him to eat! Even as his stomach growls and growls!

Dante: *staring at Aiger*

Valt: Ara ara...

Aiger: What exactly are we going to do with him?!

Valt: Now, now. Don't be like that, okay?~ I just love that smile of yours, Aiger.

Aiger: 💢

Aiger: But we can't do anything with a kid who can't even think for himself! It's dangerous!

Valt: *walks to Dante* Well, you do have a point, but...

Aiger: He can't do anything on his own! He can't decide for himself!

Valt: *sits down and shows a coin to Dante* All right, when your own your own, you can decide by flipping this coin. Right, Dante?

Aiger: Nii san!

Valt: You don't have to take this so seriously, you know...

Valt: Since Dante is so adorable! 🌸🌸🌸

Aiger: 💢💢 That's not a good reason!

Valt: *slowly placing the coin on Dante's palm* As long as it's given a chance, a person's soul would open up, so don't worry.

Valt: When you fall in love with someone special, you'll change too, Dante.

What am i doing???

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