Bottle Opener

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Daigo: Valt, where do we keep the bottle openers? We should have it, right?

Valt: You wanna open that bottle is it? No need opener. Come give me. I'll open it for you.

Daigo: Wha- How are you gonna open it?

Valt: Using my teeth!

Daigo: What? Are you serious? *handing the bottle*

Valt: Yup! I saw Silas did it before! Super easy!

Daigo: Careful-

Valt: *CRUNCH!!!!*

Daigo: *shook and immediately have a panic attack*

Valt: *tears swelling from his eyes as blood starts leaking from his mouth* Yup..... I think we should have a bottle opener in the house.....

Daigo: *pause as if he's dead* ............


Shu: SWEET MERCY OF GOD!!!!!! WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO YOUR TEETHS AND GUMS?!?!?!?! *wiping Valt's tears while hugging him to console him*

Daigo: *stills having a panic attack on the couch*

The bottle was left in the cupboard after the incident....

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