When Delta becomes obsessed with Valt

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Beyblade parody

Reference - American Dad

There's a few changes here :)

Valt: *weakly wakes up on the hospital bed*

Delta: Hey, sleepyhead.

Valt: Why would they let you in here?

Delta: I used to be in here when I have diarrhea. Oh, I got you this *hands present* I feel really bad about what I did. I haven't slept in 7 hours, not counting naps.

Delta: Anyway, I hope this gift can at least begin to make up for what I've done.

Valt: I don't want any of your gifts..

Delta: I'll open it up for you *opend gift and shows it to Valt*

Valt: *screams in horror*

Delta: It's Jimin from BTS larynx!

Valt: Ugh! Get that away from me!!!

Dante: *wakes up and yawns* What's going on?

Delta: *push the vase hitting Dante making him faint* Back to sleep

Delta: Remember how you said you wished you could sing in Korean like Jimin? Well, now you can!

Valt: .........

Delta: Anyways, it's a really good gift because I love you~

Valt: This isn't love Delta!

Delta: Yuh-huh!

Valt: You tried to kill me! People who are in love don't do that! They-They want to spend time together. They want to be as close to each other as possible.

Delta: Let's do that! We're gonna do your thing! *clearly talking like a psychopath*

Delta: *grabs another vase*

Valt: Oh no... De-Delta... Whatever your thinking there, whatever you're doing please just don't-

Delta: *insanely hits Valt with a vase*

Valt: *wakes up*

Delta: Morning snowflake~

Valt: What the heck are you doing, Delta? Your creeping me out!

Delta: No-no-no! No-no-no! It's good! It's good! *takes off jacket and hugs Valt* I just wanna be as close to you as possible.... Like John and Yoko.... *whispers* Your Yoko

Delta: *grunts* Can't get close enough

Valt: *both physically and mentally creeped out*

Delta: *grunt* Don't you just hate that we're two separate people?

Valt: Delta, release me!

Delta: *hugs Valt even tighter* Nah! Just want to burrow into you like a love tick. I want us to be one person: two hearts inside one skin.... *gasp* That's it! *gets off Valt*

Valt: Please don't.... Delta! Whatever your thinking-

Delta: I'm gonna cut off your skin and drape it all over my body! *definitely sounds like a psychopath now*

Valt: Help!!!!...... *struggling*

Delta: Oh! I'm gonna use tools! *runs to get tools and his coat*

Minutes later (but Delta got here so fast with his tool and coat)

Delta: This just got real didn't it, seeing all this tools?

Door burst open

Aiger: Valty!!!

Delta: Oh, this guy!?

Valt: Aiger, oh!  Thank God!

Delta: Aiger, I'm doing something! How did you find us?!

Aiger: Well, I got out from my tournament when Dante called said you shot Valt. When I got to your training place, I saw you stealing whoever's tools... So I followed you here...

Delta: *singsongy* Stalker.....

Valt: He's crazy Aiger! He's trying to take my skin!

Aiger: Dude, please don't skin my fiance.... I love him..

Delta: But I love him too!

Valt: No, you don't! Your obsessed with me! There's a difference!

Delta: What?

Valt: Delta, love is mutual, and that's what Aiger and I have! I'm sorry, but no matter what you do, Aiger is the only one for me.

Aiger: *having a sad face*

Delta: Oh my God, it's finally clear now. You don't want me, you want Aiger, and no matter how much I love you, it won't matter because I'm not him...

Valt: Right, yes, you get it!

Delta: Valt, I'm so sorry... *laughing* I can't, I can't believe I was going to take your skin off!

Aiger: *unties Valt*

Valt: Phew! /What does Dante told you about crushing and love?/

Probably worst than Shoe Kurehentai!


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