Honcho is the best relationship saver Pt2

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Honcho:*saw Valt having a normal conversation with someone*

That someone then proceeded to wrap his hand around Valt's shoulder as they both laugh

Honcho:*goes and find Shu*

After 3 minutes

Honcho:*finally found Shu holding a large scissor ready to cut the rope so Lui will fall in the pool full of.......(you don't want to know what it is)

Honcho:Yo Shu!!!!

Shu:What?! I'm busy!!!

Honcho:Someone tries to rape Valt!!!!!!

Shu:*Naruto run to his lover*

Honcho:*just leaves Lui and follow Shu*


Legend says Shu calls the police and that innocent dude got arrested for attempted rape even though it's not even true. He then handcuffed his wrist with Valt so Valt will never leave him again.

Another legend says that Valt Aoi later on, throws all the lollipop in the volcano. Honcho starts crying while Valt just sipping his tea satisfied seeing Honcho perished.

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