When Mama/Waifu Valt is not at home

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The Mama/Waifu is back everyone :D

Mama/Waifu Valt:Ok I'm going to Korea-


Mama/Waifu Valt:That's not how you supposed to talk to me!!! I'm going to see my husbando Jungkook!!!!!

Sisco:The fri-

*slams door shut*

This is what happened when the mama/waifu is gone for a month. They do whatever they want. They even made a humongous and yet horrible mess in the house.

However, Kiyoshi Choko doesn't even comes out from her office because she's too busy questioning about life and how she wantee to die in this cruel world.

But what everyone didn't know, is that Choko's house has a security camera. So she can see all the movements in her office. She sight thinking "I don't really know what punishment they will get this time"

So she let them be not wanting to do anything. She got out from her office with her three cats Kiki, Caramel and Cinnamon and went straight to her room without needing to glance at the mess.

She enters the room and didn't sleep but instead she stays up because she can't sleep.

For the next few months, it was the day the mama/waifu return. But they didn't know and continues to make a huge mess in the mansion.

Choko knew that the mama/waifu will come home in the middle of the night. She feeds her cats, the rabbit and basically any pet she owns.

She went to her garden to water her plants, and put on some fertilizer on them. She went to the kitchen to make tea and head back to the garden to enjoy the peacefulness.

Around midnight, everyone was asleep and the mama/waifu knocks on the door then Choko greets him. She bring him to the room and shows the whole thing in the recordings.



Valt:Just wait till the morning. They will get it

In the end, this is what hap-


Lui:SHUT UP ALBINO SH*T!!!!!!!!!

Sisco:What did I get myself into

Wakiya:PUT ME DOWN! PUT ME DOWN! PUT ME DOWN! *repeating so aggressively*

Daigo:*he didn't do anything so he's perfectly fine* They never listen

Mama/Waifu Valt:Don't worry. At least they learn their lessons....

Everyone got tied up on the pool full of different creatures such as...





And basically different type of toxic abd dangerous creatures

The pool looks like an ocean, because the water is not the original water. It's actually salt water.

The "crying for help" screams can be heard. Mama/Waifu Valt and Daigo just stood there looking at them suffering and crying.

Meanwhile with Choko, she watches the whole scene from the balcony while taking pictures of it.

After and hours of suffering and crying aggressively. The mama/waifu let's go and puts all of them down. Only to get a tackle hug by the yandere beast Shu Kurenai.

Shu:Valt I promise I will always listen to you!!!! Just don't do things like that to us!!!! But except Free, Aiger and Lui

Lui/Aiger/Free:EXCUSE ME?!?!??!

*then the war begins once again*

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