When your bf/gf is going for a trip

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Shu: *slams palm on wall looking gloomy at Valt* Promise or not?

Valt: OMG?! How many times to I have to tell you?!?!?! *the poor baby was pinned on the wall by a demon*

Fubuki: Shu you a**hole, he's gonna be late....

Aiger: Said the person who's holding me like his choking me!!!!

Fubuki: You stay!

Shu: Say "I love you" with me name...

Valt: I love you....Shu.....

Shu: Now say "I hate Lui and Free"

Valt: .........

Shu: Say it!

Valt: Gyah! Ok! I hate Lui and Free!.........

In the end, he miss the flight due to the albino's err.... Yandere....

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