Salty and a very late birthday Naoki

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Lui:Shu, you are worse than the whole ocean


Lui:So f*cking salty!

Shu:Then what about author?! She's saltier than me!!!!

Choko:Are you guys accusing me or something?

Naoki:What the hell guys?! You all forgot my birthday! >:(

Valt:But I remembered though. I want to wish you but Shu, Lui and Free were busy fighting over me.....


Choko:At least some people remembered your birthday! So happy late birthday and I love you

Naoki:I love you too.....

Shu:How can Naoki handle a salty person like her

Lui:Aren't you salty yourself?

Shu:*punch Lui*💢💢💢

Choko:Then what about me?! Everyone forgets my birthday last year! Not even a single wish! Not even a soul or the devil himself remembers my birthday!!!

Shu:Well, I'm most people remembered *flips hair like some professional*

Phi:*flying kick at Shu* DON'T COPY MY STYLE!!!!!!!!!!!

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