How to deal with bullies

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The nice and positive way

Dude:*push Valt*

Valt:*falls on floor with books*

Shu:*in the background ready his knife*

Dude:Oops...sorry nobody! *laughs with his nasty brats*

Valt:*Gets up and stares at him* I beg your pardon but why did you do that?

Dude:Don't you see idiot?! We're bullying you!

Valt:Thanks for the nice name but I prefer Aoi or Valt. And please don't bully others, some here can crack your skull open or whatever? *picks up book and walks away like nothing in his life happens*

The calm and avoidable way

Valt:*looking for his friends while holding his lunch tray*

Rantaro:Oh Valt! Over here! *waves for him*

Valt:*smiles a bit as he walks to him and all of a sudden. Random bratty guy put his leg causing the pure bluenette to fall on the ground with his lunch tray*

Dude:Oh.....sorry about that shorty!

Rantaro:What the hell?!?!?!!

Wakiya:Not cool!!!!!


Shu:Valt?! Why the hell did you guys do that?!?!?

Dude:*playing stupid* Oh, I'm sorry... I didn't see you there pipsqueak!

His gangs:*laugh stupidly*

Valt:*gets up and face them* Watch your leg......stupid

Students:*le gasp*

Dude:You call me a what?! *punch Valt*

Valt:*Dodge it easily yet quickly* That's slow...

Anothed dude:*Kicks Valt from behind*

Valt:*Dodge it and that one dude accidently kick the other dude*

Valt:Oh....that's actually kinda painful....

The crying way but somehow work because your friends is there to help

Dude:*kicking the poor boy*

Valt:*holding back the pain as he cried softly*

Dude:Ha! Weakling!

Rantaro:*comes inside and smack that guy with his hand*

Daigo:*kicks the other guy's balls*

Wakiya:*punches guy*

Shu:*yeets the guy who kicked Valt from the window and hugs Valt tightly and protectively*

The purest angel but turn into a merciless demon after the death of someone who he/she adore so much way

Valt:*after the death of his mother, dealing with bullies and having to work on a part-time job. He trained so much till he becomes Jojo*

Valt:*went to school the next day having and angry but innocent face. But what you didn't know is that his ready to beat some brats*

Shu and mostly his gang:*notice Valt and looks really shocked but yet confused*

Valt:*approach bully and the next thing you know. He grabs his wrist slowly then twist it. He proceeded to step on the back of his elbow and......*cracks*

(Too edgy to explain)

Valt:*use his other hand and grabs the other bully's hair and smash his forehead on the wall hard till it bleeds*

Third bully:*was scared after seeing his friends getting beaten and screams in agony and pain. He proceed to run away from the oni(demon) but was frozen and petrified*

Valt:*let's go of the other bully's wrist and goes to the bully and push him down then gives him a hard kick on the face hitting the wall hard till his head bleed*

Valt:*the bully fall from the side as Valt gives another kick on the face. He then steps on the bully's(the one Valt broke his hand) head hard*

Other students:*runs away from Valt and the gore bloody scene because they were so scared except Shu*

Shu:*pure shocked*

Valt:*walks away*

The straight away beating way

Valt:*was talking with Shu*

Bully:*talking crap and took Valt's textbook*

Valt:*tries to take it back and ignores Shu*

Bully and gang:*starts passing the text book to one another and even baby talk Valt*

Valt:*was really pissed and tightens his grip.  Without hesitation he throws the desk hitting the bully's face while Shu and the other gang was shocked*

Valt:*walks towards him while pulling a chair like a ghost. Then proceeded to beat the shit out of him*

Shu:*holding onto Valt telling him to calm down and stop*

The threatening way

Bully:What are you gonna do?!...


Bully:Huh?! Louder I can't hear you!

Valt:.........kill you..

Bully:What are you saying?!.........

Valt:I'll kill you! *proceed to kick the door till it breaks*


Valt:Do you want me to do the same to your face? I bet you don't want to look at the mirror.

Valt:I don't want to hear an apology. If your scare, don't come and see me face to face you.... Trash!!!

Bully:*runs away like a coward*

(Some of this are just reference from other anime)

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