The one friend that always had your back

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Basically me protecting and helping my friend.

My friend:*saw her crush and thinks his cute* Oh my god! He's so cute!

Me:Go talk to him! C'mon

My friend:*goes to talk to him*

My friend:*acting cool and calm* Hey, do you have a girlfriend?

Her crush:Yeah

Me:*slams knife so hard that the fruit was slice in half same with the chopping board*

Her crush:*notice me* Uh! No... No.. I'm single

My friend:Do you want to go out sometime?!

Her crush:*looks at me*

Me:*holding a dolls head and warns him then punches the dolls head till it's broken*

Her crush:Yeah!

My friend:*talking where and when they should hang out*

Her crush:*notice me*

Me:*shows a picture of him mouthing "your my next target"*

My friend:Do you wanna be my boyfriend?!

Her crush:*looks at me*

Me:*has a black mamba (snake) and pull some guys then injects him with the snake as demonstration on how will he die*

Her crush:Yes...

Me:*takes out an anaconda*

Her crush:*panicking* Yes!!!!

Me:*throws the anaconda away*

My friend:Let's get marry!

Her crush:What?...No! No!.. Just get out!

My friend:I'm sorry, I know you won't agree with this *walks away*

Her crush:*wondering where I went*

Me:*appear behind him and twist his neck*

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