Sucks to be me

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Clean version

Trad: What do you do with a B.A. in English. What is my life going to be?

Trad: Four years of college and plenty of knowledge. Have earned me this useless degree.

Trad: I can't pay the bills yet,
'Cause I have no skills yet,
The world is a big scary place.

Trad: But somehow I can't shake, The feeling I might make,
A difference, To the human race!


Sasha: Morning, Free!

Free: Hi, Sasha Guten

Sasha: How's life?

Free: Disappointing!

Free: What's the matter?

Free: The caterine company
laid me off.

Sasha: Oh, I'm sorry!

Free: Me too! I mean, look at me!
I'm ten years out of college, and I
always thought -

Sasha: What?

Free: No, it sounds stupid.

Sasha: Aww, come on!

Free: When I was little, I thought I would be...

Sasha: What?

Free: A big comedian on late night TV. But now I'm thirty-two (15 though) And as you can see. I'm not

Sasha: Nope!

Free: Oh Well, It sucks to be me!

Sasha: Nooo....

Free: It sucks to be me!

Sasha: No!

Free: It sucks to be broke
and unemployed and turning thirty-three (16 though) It sucks to be me.

Sasha: Oh, you think your life sucks?

Free: I think so.

Sasha: Your problems aren't so bad! I'm kinda pretty. And pretty darn smart.

Free: You are!

Sasha: Thanks! I like romantic things. Like music and art. And as you know, I have a gigantic heart! So why don't I have, A boyfriend?
Frick! It sucks to be me!

Free: Me too!

Sasha: It sucks to be me!

Free: It sucks to be me. It sucks to be Free...

Sasha: And Sasha...

Free: To not have a job!

Sasha: To not have a date!

Free/Sasha: It sucks to be me!

Cuza/Silas: *arguing*

Free: Hey, Silas, Cuza, can you
settle something for us? Do you have a second?

Silas: Ah, certainly.

Sasha: Whose life sucks more? Free's or mine?

Silas/Cuza: Ours!

Silas: We live together.

Cuza: We're as close. As people can get.

Silas: We've been the best of buddies...

Cuza: Ever since the. Day we met.

Silas: So he knows lots of ways to make me really upset!!!

Cuza: What?!?

Silas: Oh, every day is
An aggravation.

Cuza: Come on, that's an exaggeration!

Silas: You leave your clothes out!

Cuza: Wha-?!

Silas: You put your feet on my chair.

Cuza: Oh yeah?
You do such anal things like ironing your underwear!

Sasha/Free: *laughs*

Silas: You make that very small apartment, we share a hell!

Cuza: So do you! *shows UNO reverse card*
That's why I'm in hell too!

Silas: It sucks to be me!~

Cuza: No, it sucks to be me!~

Sasha: It sucks to be me!~

Free: It sucks to be me!~

Free/Sasha/Silas/Cuza: Is there anybody here, It doesn't suck to be?
It sucks to be me!

Free/Sasha/Silas/Cuza: *seeing the "taratata" thingy like they're pissed*

Valt: Why you all so happy?

Cuza: Becuase our lives suck!

Valt: Your lives suck? *pulls out his air pod* I hearing you correctly? Ha!

Valt: I coming to this country, for opportunities. Tried to work in Korean deli. But I am Japanese!🇯🇵 (True lol)  But with hard work, I earn two Master's Degrees
In social work! And now I a therapist! But I have no clients!.........

Valt: And I have an unemployed fiance'! And we have *starts to beat Free while singing in unison* lots of bills to pay!
It suck to be me! It suck to be me!
I say it
It suck to be me!

Trad: Excuse me?

Free: Hey there.

Trad: Sorry to bother you, but I'm
looking for a place to live.

Valt: Why you looking all
the way out here?

Trad: Well, I started at Avenue A, but so far everything is out of my price range. But this
neighborhood looks a lot cheaper!
Oh, and look - a "For Rent" sign!

Free: You need to talk to the superintendent. Let me get her.

Trad: Great, thanks!

Free: Yo, Choko!

Choko: I'm comin'! I'm comin'!

Trad: Oh my God! It's Kiyoshi Choko!

Choko: Yes I am! I'm Kiyoshi Choko! From TV's, Diff'rent Strokes. I made a lotta money, that got stolen by my folks!
Now I'm broke and I'm the butt
Of everyone's jokes,
But I'm here - The Superintendent!
On Avenue Q -

All: It sucks to be you.

Sasha: You win!

All: It sucks to be you.

Free: I feel better now!

Choko: Try having people stopping you to ask you "What you talkin' 'bout, Willis?" It gets old....

All: It sucks to be you
On Avenue Q
(Sucks to be me)
On Avenue Q
(Sucks to be you)
On Avenue Q
(Sucks to be us)
But not when
We're together.
We're together
Here on Avenue Q!
We live on Avenue Q!
Our friends do too!
'Til our dreams
Come true,
We live on Avenue Q!~

Trad: This is real life!

Okok, I'm tired now and yes.. It's sucks to be me....

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