Mama waifu Valt is back!!!!!

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Chilling but not cleaning
Everyone was just chilling but they notice someone was missing so they start asking billion questions.

Then a-


MamaValt:No chilling!!!! Clean the house!!!!

Everyone remember what had happened to them when they don't listen to mommy Valt. So they start cleaning the house till it's 1000000000000% clean.

They use all the cleaning item to clean this humongous mansion while some where buying more.

Like an hour or two

MamaValt:*use index finger to wipe a bit at the vase and examined it*

Everyone was biting their nails, they don't want to have the "medicine" mommy Valt gave them......

Valt:Good *walks away*


Honcho:*accidentally bumps on the gold fish tank and it fell on the floor breaking millions pieces and three fishes was jumping to fight for their life*

ManaValt:*turns and pikachu gasp* Lady Nightingale's goldfishes!!!!!! Clean that up!!!!! Buy a new tank!!!!!!!! Give the fishes a water!!!!! Do it now!!!!!

Everyone was running in the direction like this➡️↗️⬆️↘️⬅️⬇️↖️↙️⤴️⤵️↪️↕️🔄🔃↩️↔️ and they put the goldfishes in a freaking bathtub full of water. 

They bought a bigger fancy tank with beautiful decorations. Little did they know that mommy Valt was in the office telling Starry what had happened to her goldfishes.

Starry was smiling so sweetly and innocent but was actually going to kill Honcho for this because she work hard to decorate the tank.

Starry:Hold my cat *hands Kiki to Valt*

Valt:*holds it*

Starry:*push her sleeve up as she got out from the office*😊💢

Valt:*watch from the balcony with Kiki*

They somehow finish decorating the tank and goes to the bathroom to see a lot of fish food floating on the water while it's being eaten by the goldfishes

They don't give a shit about it, but they're strugglingto find which on of them is them?

Wakiya:I think this is Sunny!

Free:Ya fool! Sunny is all orange!...or yellow?....... That's Obie!!!!

Sasha:I don't think that's Obie.... That's Diva!!

Silas:Who the hell names a freaking goldfish Diva?!?!

Kit:But I thought Lady Nightingale told us that Diva is dead?

*cricket sounds*

Fubuki:Then that must be Pumpkin! *points fish*

Three of the goldfishes be like —_—

Yugo:What kind of name is that for a goldfish?!

Starry:You guys are all bozos!....

Everyone:Lady Nightingale/Starry/Author Chan!!!!!!

Starry:Bruh! Pumpkin, Diva and Obie are dead months ago!!!!


Starry:The two fish are new!!!! Sunny is still alive though!!!! I named that male marking one Oreo and that red female is Poppy!

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