Goodbye Present

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Beyblade parody

Lui: *trying to talk on the phone while trying to ignore Toko*

Toko: Hey, Lui aniki? *pokes* Lui aniki? *pokes* Lui aniki? *pokes* Lui aniki? *pokes* Lui aniki-

Lui: Stop your yelping!!!!! Wait-nonono! *brokes because the whoever in his phone ends the call*

Toko: Lui aniki?

Lui: whaaat?.........

Toko: Do you want your goodbye present now?

Nika: *smiles*

Lui: Does your present involved you leaving?

Toko: Kinda, I guess?

Toko/Nika: *goes in different directions*

Lui: *sighs happily*

Toko/Nika: *leaping gracefully while having white clothing floating as beautiful music starts playing*

Lui: What is this?! 💢

Toko: This song's our parting gift to you~

Nika: Like we've seen every movies do~

Toko: They're not great movies~ Sure that's true! But we'll see this through......

Nika: I guess it's time for you to leave~

Lui: *not a single knowledge is in his head of what this Aoi twins were doing*

Toko/Nika: But there's just one thing you need to know~ We'll never really let you go~.........

Lui: *gently facepalm himself while shooking his head like "what is with this kids?!"*

Toko: When you wake... *smoothly slide Lui's eyes open*

Nika: And when you sleep.... *smoothly slide Lui's eyes close but Lui jolt open back in anger*

Toko/Nika: Near or far you must believe~ We're never gonna let you go~.........

Toko/Nika: Ooh!!!!~ OOOOHHHH!!!!!~

Lui: *ears hurt from the twin's horrible high vocals*

Toko/Nika: *floating to the air like an angel* Mountains highs or rivers deep!~...... We'll be there~

Toko: We're yours to keep!!!~...... *acting like a sad dramatic woman*

Nika: We're never gonna let you go!!!~ *pulling the white silk clothes dramatically*

Toko: Ooooohhh!!!!~.........

Nika: Ooh~.........oohh.... ~ *pulls white silk clothes up revealing the bored or angry Lui*

Toko: We won't forget your smile and smell!!~.........

Nika: Oh! Ooh!~......Oohhh..~

Toko/Nika: We love them both, you know full well!!!~......

Toko/Nika: We're never going to let you go!!!~......

Lui: *notice his salesperson is here then use his leaf blower to blow the twins up to the air and for some reasons it works.*

Toko/Nika: *high vocals intensifies* AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!~......... *the two were now dramatically flies to the sun/air without noticing but the white clothe silk makes them look like they're angels or whatever you can imagine* Never gonna let you go!!!~...............

Meanwhile with Valt

Valt: *sees the empty closets* How in the world did they find those white silks in here?.........💦

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