What you can't do to someone so innocent and precious

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1. Don't scold or argue with him/her even if the situation is big or small. You already knew his habits in the first place.

2. Cherish and spoil her/him with everything.

3. Never say no to them. Even if it's to face a challenge

4. Never leave her/his side even a second. Always stay close with him.

5. Always let him go or talk first

6. Laugh at her/his jokes even if you don't get it

7. Forgive them when they make big and small mistakes. Because everyone makes mistakes.

8. Don't ever break eye contact with her/him

9. Help him/her with any difficulties

10. Always let her/him do anything to you, even worse things

11. Never ruin her/his innocence mind. They might have a change of a bad and not so pure heart

12. Talk something that related to her/him

13. Always thank him/her when she/he made or gave you something.

14. Be polite, calm and gentle

15. Try and protect him/her from any danger. Even if it's too risky.

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