Never make Lady Cho angry!!!!

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Lady Cho: *in her office busy writing poetry on her pink book with different colour pens*

Lady Cho: *hears noises but ignores*

Outside Lady Cho's bedroom

Shu: Great! If Velvet sees this! I'm the one who's death!!!!!

Lui: This ain't my fault Kurenai!!!!

Aiger: Well good luck fixing it you weirdos!!!!

Shu/Lui/Aiger: *starts arguing about the broken photo frame*

Lady Cho: /Geez, that's a long writing/ *stretch a little then saw the arguing scene with her broken photo frame* .......

Valt: Guys, stop arguing now....

Shu/Lui/Aiger: Don't interfere Valt! It's not your fault!!!

Valt: *stuttering and trembling* N-no.. I-it's not ab-out me... It's....*points behind them*

Shu/Lui/Aiger: *turns around and was already scared*

Lady Cho: The basement NOW!!! No buts! And don't go laughing when I say the word butt!!!

Shu: /Welp, we're dead!/

5 hours later

Shu: *sweeping her room and office*

Lui: *polishing everything inside her room plus office*

Aiger: *wiping the windows*

Lady Cho: *relaxing on her royal couch while eating her bombolone* Troublelovers  *sips tea then laughs in British*

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