How to be a real man by Master Shu Kurenai Pt 2

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Shu: Today's lesson, I'm gonna teach you another gentlemen things to do!

Shu: Always dress up nicely and make sure to put on your cologne to smell good too!  *realize his run out of cologne*

Shu: ............*goes to Wakiya's room and takes one of his cologne*

Shu: *sprays some cologne on part of his body* Then walla! Now all you have to do is go outside and find your lover!


Valt: *sitting on the bench eating his bento he just bought from the convenient store. But then he smells a strange sent* Huh? That's weird?

Shu: *pokes Valt's cheek* Boo!~

Valt: Gyah! Shu?! Why are you dressing so formally and have a strange but nice smell?! And how long have you been sitting here?!?!

Shu: I just came! You didn't notice because your attention is only at that bento...

Valt: Um...

Shu: But at least I'm here to spend time with you everyday~ *romantically grabs his hand leaning his face closer*

Valt: ........./Help me.... At least someone/

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