Sneak peek

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New story again. Yeah! :D

Nevermind, nobody cares anyway.....

"Man, Shu is so harsh..." The maroon haired boy said to Ranjiro as he nods agreeing with Aiger.

"He's like that when I first met him" Fubuki add. The trio was looking at Shu's thick ice wall that was unbreakable.

"He's like that ever since a traumatic experience happened years ago" Rantaro said walking towards the trio with his arms crossed.....

"Years ago?!" The trio said confused....

"Yeah, he used to be coldly calm and collected but...... " Rantaro said then pauses wondering if he should tell them....

"But what? Tell us!" The trio exclaim pleading Rantaro to tell them.

"Fine but not here" Rantaro said then walks away followed by Aiger, Ranjiro and Fubuki.

After reaching to a certain place...

"Okay, you can tell us now" Aiger said sitting down on the green grass along with the others.

"This is what happened" .........

Wanna know what happened? :)

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