Split Dicision

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Beyblade shorts (Reference)

Naoki: Alright.....*doing some experiments* easy....steady now.....

Lui: *burst door open* This happened again!

Zac: Well you gotta do something!

Naoki: What?! *accidently pours a lot of the potion*

Lui: I don't-


Naoki: ............ May I help you boys with something?

Zac: Yeah Naoki, Lui's temper has been completely out of control!

Lui: Tch!

Zac: Valt says one more "slap out!", he'll stop being friends with him for good!

Lui: He always said that! I'm fine!!!💢💢💢

Zac: He's been blowing a stack when someone lay a finger on his bey

Lui: I don't-

Zac: *pokes his bey*

Lui: *starts the raging blast noises as his hair turns into fire*

Zac: ......... You gotta help us Naoki

Naoki: I got just the thing. Follow me would you.

Zac: *follows then pulls Lui with him*

*Lights on dramatically*

Naoki: Here we are! The maximizer electrofor! Just one zap! Sucks out all the anger and frustration! And his the subject filled with peace and love~......

Lui: Nope!  *walks away but Zac stops him*

Naoki: Alright let's crank this sucker up! *starts the machine*

Zac: Come on buddy, I'm sure perfectly safe *gently push Lui in the machine*

Lui: *has the face of "Your dead"*

Zac: *gives a thumbs up for encouragement* :D

*machine noises of working*

Naoki: Look! The machine is removing out all of Lui's anger and collecting it out over there!

*the machine anger almost look like is about to broke or something*

Naoki: *looks at Zac* Oh boy! That's a lot of anger!


Machine opens revealing Lui speechless

Lui: *his voice changed since his obnoxiously happy* Hey! ...... Who needs a hug? ......

Zac: *shook* Huh! *shakes Naoki likes his a toy* It works! Naoki your a genius!

Lui: *pulls Zac into a hug* Hey buddy...

Zac: Lui this amazing! You even sound different!

Lui: I just feel so happy! And relax...... This is a great idea!......*points Zac like his weak trying to force his strength*

Zac: Your the fella I always knew you would be!

Zac/Lui: *friendship dance while laughing in enjoyment*

Lui: *pulls Zac into a hug*

Zac: Twinkle Toes's gonna love you like this


Zac: Huh?!

Machine then brokes revealing a muscular/jojo looking Lui but was extremely demonic furious. Even his hair turns into a furious blue fire

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