Wicked Valt AU Pt 2

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Shu: Don't worry....  This place has a quite and calming moment. He might won't try anything.

Cuza: Your idea of making him having a job as a librarian is a great idea Shu!

Shu: I'm always the smart one~ *flips hair*

Lui: As if....

Cuza: I can see him really calm...

Valt: *smilling as he busy read the book*

Shu/Cuza/Lui: *enjoying Valt's cuteness*

Two guys walk out to the exit door but when they push it open, there's a loud siren alarm.

(Reference to Happy Tree Friends, only one though)

Valt: *psychopath mode*

Shu/Cuza/Lui: *they ended up falling asleep because of the quite atmosphere*

Valt: *behind a man with a pencil and stab him from the back of his head till his eyeballs comes out*

Random guy: *looks behind then get hit by a book*

Valt: *drops a large dictionary from the top of the shelf till that man's head was smash*

Another guy was carrying some blank papers also witnessing the death of the two men, he then proceed to turn and run but Valt was already in front of him using the paper giving his eyes a papercut.

The man: *falls back*

Valt: *stabs him then starts to skin him*

Moments later...

Police: *pokes Shu*

Shu: *growls then wakes up but boi he was shock to see the police in front of him*

Police: You three are under arrest for murdering!

Shu/Cuza/Lui: What?!?!?!

Valt: *was carried by one of the police then innocent and evilly giggles at them* >:)

Shu/Cuza/Lui: ......... /Shit.../

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