Jealousy doesn't bother Valt at all

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Shu: *pissed and jealous at Drum and Aiger being very close to Valt*

Valt: *enjoys Drum and Aiger's company* (っ´▽')っ

Aiger: ( • ̀ω•́  )

Drum: ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ

Shu: /Why does Valt never gets jealous when I'm having screen time with that banana hair!?!?/

Shu: *looks at Lane Valhala talking with Hikaru and Hyuga*

Shu: 💡

At the training room

Valt: It's time for another workout! *stretch a bit and noticed Shu talking with Lane Valhala* Konichiwa Shu and Lane!

Shu: *whispers to Lane* Ignore him, I want to make him jealous!

Lane Valhala: *sweats drop at Shu but does what he was told to do anyways*

Shu/Lane Valhala: *kept on talking and ignoring Valt*

Valt: It appears they didn't notice or hear me? Nevermind then! *exit the training room to find Aiger and Drum*

Shu: Dammit! I don't eve see a hint of jealousy in him!

Lane Valhala: Try harder! He might be jealous if you ignore him for days!

Shu: Good idea! I'll ignore him for 1 week straight!

1 day

Shu: *talking to Fubuki also doing some touching and ignores *

Fubuki: *just do what he was told to*

Valt: /Shu's starting to be more talkative now! I'm glad!/ Hey Aiger! Drum! Let's battle, so who wants to go first?!

Aiger/Drum: ME!!!!!!!!!!

2 day

Shu: *ignoring the calls from Valt and just pay attention to his phone*

Valt: *confused but doesn't mind so he hangs out with Hikaru and Hyuga instead*

3 day

Valt: Hey Shu!

Shu: *ignores Valt and kepton talking with Lane Valhala and Rantaro*

Valt: Man it's been 3 days he's been ignoring me.....

Valt: At least he's learning to get along! *hangs out with Free, Hikaru and Hyuga*

4 day

Shu: /Frick! He's not even trying to get my attention! That's it! Plan B!/

Some time later

Kit: I will never do that to Valt aniki!!!!

Aiger: Same here!!!!

Shu: I'll give you paperwork if don't do it! And respect your elders!

Aiger/Kit: Fine!

Valt: *walking around minding his own business then heard something*

Shu: Your improving so much Aiger! Your better than Valt now. I'm looking forward to battle you instead of Valt!

Aiger: Haha yeah.... /Shu you idiot! This is too much!/

Shu: *whispers to Aiger* Just keep up the work! *says out loud* Your my rival now, I don't need Valt now!

Kit: /This is too much/

5 day

Rantaro: Shu this is too much, what if he's hurt inside?!

Shu: Just two more days!

Rantaro: But his not the type to get jealous easily!

Shu: And that's why I have try harder!

Aiger: If he's hurting, I put the blame on you Shu.....

Shu: This time, I'll make it physical!

Rantaro: But dude-

Shu: *already pulls Fubuki to a bench and seat on it ti starts his plan.

Rantaro: Welp, his gonna get hate.........

Valt: *walks*

Shu: *placing his arms on Fubuki's waist while talking*

Fubuki: *just do what he was told to do*

Valt: *notice from the corner of his eyes but just walk pass them like he didn't notice them at all*

Shu: Gotcha! I see that hint of jealousy on his face! >:D

Fubuki: I don't think he's jealous....

6 day

Lane Valhala: Again?!

Shu: Just do as I say!

Some time later

Shu: *once again talking how great Lane Valhala is than Valt*

Lane Valhala: *doesn't want to do this but just do it*

Valt: *completely ignored it*.........

Shu: Welp, tomorrow I'm gonna see that result!

Lane Valhala: But I thought-

Shu: Bish! I have enough!

Lane Valhala: Okay, fine... Geez.........

And at the 7th day, this is the results

Valt: *sitting on the bench eating his beybread peacefully*

Shu: *tries to get his attention by walking pass by him but instead.....*

Lui: Hey Valt, I'm here

Valt: Oh finally you came!

Lui: Did I make you waited for so long?

Valt: No, I just came here though!

Shu: /What?!?!? Why?!?!?/ *pretends to walk pass by them to get Valt to notice him but Lui called him*

Lui: Hey nerd, how's the taste of the ocean? Salty as you?! XD *laughs maniacally*

Valt: *holding his laughter*

Shu: Then what about you?! You killing machine that eats a huge steak without cutting it! I bet your teeth was tired of you munching on such hard food 24/7!!!!!

Lui/Valt: ..................

Valt: Um Shu...... Are you making a joke or something? Because it's not funny.........

Lui: Sounded like a very old joke don't you think Valt?

Valt: Yeah, I mean he even added 24/7....everyone is interested in memes instead of jokes now.....

Shu: But Valt! Do you know Aiger is better than you?! I would like him to be my rival compared to you!

Lui: Dude stop it! Nobody even wants to know that old stupid joke!

Shu: I'm not even making a joke!

Valt: And now you added Aiger in one of your jokes? It isn't funny at all!

Shu: At least Fubuki has a better topic to talk with than you Valt! I can't see you as anything but beat friend!

Valt: Well we're always best friend! Besides, it's lucky you don't see me as anything besides best friend. I have a girlfriend now! Aren't you gonna congratulate me?!

Shu: I have a girlfriend too you know?! And she is a lot better than you!

Lui: Geez Kurenai! Valt is just joking around! He doesn't even had a girlfriend!

Valt: Well, you did make a joke so i made one too!

Shu: This wasn't supposed to be like this!!!!!!!!!!!

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