Shu and Lady Cho's second war

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Gonna add sakura12_12 's oc/my official oc boyfriend here if you don't mind?

Real life: Still single so don't worry. I won't lose my virgin or whatever

Lady Cho: *packing the same but takes more*

Valt: BG please!!!!!! You almost killed the neighbor's kids!!!!!!!

Lady Cho: Not my problem bluenette!!!!! Oh and look after my stuff. I need to put on my uniform!!!

Valt: /If she's wearing all black and gothic.....then this situation is worsen...../

Few minutes later

Lady Cho: I'm back! This is my uniform!

Valt: /Great! The situation is more then worst!!!/ And your pants-?

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Valt: /Great! The situation is more then worst!!!/ And your pants-?

Lady Cho: The long ones it's still drying so I'm wearing short ones!

Lady Cho: The long ones it's still drying so I'm wearing short ones!

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Valt: You look like a complete military goth now.....

Lady Cho: I know right! Now. I need to wear my shoes! *grabs shoes and puts them on*

 I need to wear my shoes! *grabs shoes and puts them on*

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Valt: What if Shu-

Lady Cho: He got nothing against me!!!!! I have this!

Katsumi: But Cho.... What if your-

Lady Cho: NOBODY CARES!!!!!!!! IT'S TIME FOR WAR #2!!!!!!!!! *runs like a complete psycho*

Katsumi: Why didn't you stop her earlier?

Valt: Trust me, she ignored me. She and Shu really needs to get along............

At the same place even though it's already ruined.......

Lady Cho/Shu: *fighting that they almost destroy the garden*

Katsumi: I just finished fertilizing that..... *on the ground looking gloomy*

Valt: Don't worry..... I just placed the garden gnomes around like she told me. And now, they're literally destroying it.......

Yeah, nothing can stop the war. Unless you can-


SHU: STAY THERE AND DON'T EVEN MOVE VALTY!!!!!! *continues fighting*

VALT: ヽ('Д´)ノ *angry hedgehog noises* 💢💢💢💢💢💢💢

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