Happy Birthday to the queen of Valt's multishipper aka Lady Cho

183 13 25

Cho-cho: *blushing intensifies* >/////<

Valt: *was looking at her phone* I felt like is your first time celebrating your birthday....

Valt: But happy birthday anyways queen!!!! *hugs Cho-cho*

Cho-cho: Wait! I'm not in the mood-

Hikaru/Hyuga: *tackles both of them into a hug* HAPPY BIRTHDAY LADY CHO!!!!! THE QUEEN!!!

Cho-cho: Seriously boys! Sto-

Dante: *hugs them from out of nowhere* Happy Birthday Huggies to the queen!!!!!!

Cho-cho: Where the heck did you come from Dante?!

Aiger: Boo!! *joins hug*

Cho-cho: You too?!?!?!

Valt: You forgot them *points somewhere*

Cho-cho: Please don't tell me...


Cho-cho: Well play hedgehog.....

Kayetra_Violetta: Happy Birthday Choko!

sakura12_12: Happy Birthday Choko!!!!!

My BFF: Happy Birthday Bitch!!!!

innocent_misa: *joins the hugs* Happy Birthday Kiyo!!!!!

So far they're the only ones wishing me...

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