Female Valt Aoi | Nurse AU : Prologue

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The black smoke through the air causes a scene. The crowd was horrified by the burning building.

Helicopters are trying to search if there's any traces of the culprit or survivors in the building.

Two people are in there. But they're in the wrong time and the wrong place to have an argument.

"I just wanted to ask you something, don't get so angry!" I said as my voice raising up

"Look! I don't want to answer your question that involves years ago! Past is past, just forget it!" she said as she crossed her arms avoiding eye contact

"Why did you leave Japan, your family, your home, your friends and everything you adore?! Just tell me why?! Don't you know how worried I was?!?!" I raised my voice up enough for her to hear it

She changed.......and I wanted to know why!

"I didn't leave everything behind! Life is hard and mysterious! Life is like games, when you died you respawn in a new body! I leave because I'm sick and tired of being mentally abused by everyone, okay?!?!" She yelled with that rare expressions that I never thought it will appear on her face

"Valene.....-" She cut me off with that serious fierce glare

"Why?! Not satisfied yet?!" she continues to shout

Shit! If we kept this on, this building might burned and collapsed in any minute!

"Valene, we'll talk this later but now were in serious trouble!!!" I tried to change the topic

She looks around for something...

Great, what is she planning to do?

"Fine! But you need to do what I say or both of us will die!" She warns me as I nodded

The ceiling falls as I pulls Valene away from it. The building started to collapsed!

"I gonna finish my unfinished business here! That means you have to leave!" She says

Is she crazy?!

"What?! Then just leave it then" I shout at her

She looks at me softening her eyes showing the spark as a hint of hope. She has something up her sleeves.

And without hesitation she pushed me...

Then starts running somewhere, but I didn't notice that there's a life net and I land on it safely. Some firefighter paramedics starts questioning.

I cut all of them and shout that Valene is still in that building.

3rd's POV

Running up towards the stair hurriedly, while holding something in her pocket coat.  Reaching to the buildings rooftop, the fire might took a minute to reach up here. stil have time...

Her ocean blue hair is flowing as if it's waving like the sea. Her pure brown eyes filling with anger but deep inside...

She felt sympathy.....

"I don't know you and I never met you but just why.... Why would you you do this?" She ask calmly showing gentleness as her eyes softened and her body relaxed.

"Ocean blue hair...... Such beauty you developed. You have sympathy to others but your just afraid to show it to your well...."best friend" With your small body and sympathy, you don't have the heart to kill me, isn't that right?" that man grin

Valene sighs angrily knowing the fact is all true.

"Then.....I'll jusy have to do it my way"

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