The waifu's routine

537 18 4

WaifuValt:Wake up in the morning and head to shower to clean yourself.

WaifuValt:Put on a bathrobe and your home slipper.

WaifuValt:You walk out the bathroom and went to the balcony near Starry sama's office and found out that the WHOLE HOUSE WAS A MESS!!!!!!!!!!!

Shu:*got out from his bedroom and stretch while yawning* Ohaiyo Val-

WaifuValt:*pulls Shu hair to make him face him* You and Lui are grounded!!!Clean this up! *lets go off Shu's hair*

Shu:Wha-I swear it's not my fault this time!!!! It was Lui!!!!

Lui:Who the hell calling my name?!?!

WaifuValt:Clean this house!!! I'm going to see the goldfishes. Au revoir..... *walks downstairs*


Lui:Since when can he speak French?!

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