5-Boss Lady

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*jens pov*

I got up this morning and went to get ready for the day. I got ready and went to eat breakfast, I made cereal, then I realized I didn't have milk..

So I decided to make a smoothie instead, it was actually really good, but then I spilt it all over myself. So I stormed back upstairs and changed into clean clothes.

Once I got changed, I went back downstairs, and I got a text from James.

James: "Look, I don't think we should be seeing eachother anymore, I enjoyed our time together, but I've moved on.." I read his text.

Jen: "ok." I responded.

I decided to be real petty since I'm a petty person, plus I already knew it was coming, I did see him with that girl. So I have no reason to be surprised and cry about it.

I'm pretty stressed today, so I decided to pour a glass of wine. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, I have so much to talk to these damn kids about, and they don't even listen.

I was sitting at the stools of my kitchen island just drinking wine, then I looked over at the clock on the stove, and it was 2 o'clock already, damn I slept late.

All of a sudden I heard my doorbell ring, I jumped and turned quickly, and my hand hit my wine glass, and of course, it spilled all over me. "Fuuuuckkkkk!" I yell out.

I start to go upstairs, then I remember someone's at the door. So I turn around and open the door. Leah was standing there with her eyebrows raised. "Woah, everything ok?" She asks looking at me up and down.

"Uh-yeah, come in." I say and open the door more. She walked in and I shut the door. "Can you wait for like 2 minutes while I change?" I tilt my head. "Of course, take your time." She smiles and sits on the couch. "Be right back." I say and quickly head upstairs, I end up tripping on my way up. "Haha, I'm fine." I hold my hand up and keep going, and I hear her giggle.

Great, now she probably thinks I'm some clumsy little girl. Whatever. I get to my room and change, again. Then I used the bathroom while I was already in there. I just needed to pee real quick, but I got my period...

"Are you...FUCKING KIDDING MEEEE?!? Ughhhh. I swear to god." I literally yell to the top of my lungs. I actually wanna cry, and I almost start to, but I don't want Leah to see me cry, that would not be a good first impression.

I get myself together, and go downstairs. I walk down the steps slowly, making sure I don't bust my ass. "A-are you ok?.." She stands up. "Fine-fine, I'm fine." I force a smile.

"Sorry for showing up out of nowhere, I texted you but you didn't respond." She said as I got to the bottom of the stairs. "Oh you're fine, it was a nice surprise. Even though you made me spill my wine." I say and force a giggle. "I'm sorry." She shakes her head. "It's ok, let's go, I want food." I say and open the front door.

We get in her car, and end up going to Olive Garden. "So what brought you to the schools carnival that day we met?" I ask. "Oh-I just like to donate sometime, it makes me feel good about myself." She shrugs. "That's good." I nod. "So what's it like?" She asks. "What's what like?" I tilt my head. "Being a teacher." She says and takes a sip of her water.

"Oh, stressful." I giggle and she smiles. "I mean it's fun sometimes, there's some real sweet kids, I get along with the majority of them, it's just all the paperwork and grading that sucks. Also the other teachers." I explain and roll my eyes.

"The other teachers suck?" She asks. "Definitely, they are such bitches. I never thought there would be so much drama when I got this job. I mean, I knew there would be drama with the kids obviously, but the teachers gossip more than the kids." I shake my head and she giggles.

"So what about you, what do you do for a living?" I ask but the waiter comes before she could say anything. "Is everything ok over here?" He asks. "Yes, thankyou." I nod and he walks away.

"So?" I tilt my head. "I actually own my own company for interior design." She says. "Really? You're super fancy.." I say all dramatic like. "Eh, I guess it's cool, since I'm the owner I don't really have to work much. I just keep my workers in line." She shrugs. "Ok boss lady." I smile and she smiles too.

Eventually our food comes and we make small talk while we eat. "So where do you live?" I ask. "Upper Manhattan." She says. "But lemme guess, you're from Brooklyn?" I raise one brow. "Now how did you guess??" She asks sarcastically and we laugh. "So you were born and raised here?" I ask. "Yup, I've never wanted to be anywhere else." She shrugs. "I can see why, I love this place and I couldn't wait to get here." I say and she nods.

We both finish our food and just keep talking for a while. "Thankyou for taking me out, you really didn't have to pay." I say. "It's fine, I don't mind at all." She smiles then she looks down at her phone for a second and her smile fades. "We should do this again." I tilt my head. "Uh-yeah, yeah we should." She says and looks up from her phone. "Look I should get going." She says and stands up.

"Oh-ok.." I say and stand up too. "I'll text you." I say but she already starts walking away, then she turns and smiles before walking out the door.

I kind of just stand there in thought. She just left out of no where. Maybe it was something with work, I just hope it wasn't because of me..

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