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*leahs pov*

I watch Jen through my window as she walks down the driveway and flips off my house, and I just laugh to myself because I know how she is.

"What are you doing over there?" Kate asks from the couch. I turn around and smile. "Nothin." I shrug and walk back over to her.

"She was nice.." Kate says hesitantly. "What is that supposed to mean?" I ask as I sit beside her on the couch. "I don't know, she seemed judgy." She shrugs. "That's because she is." I say and laugh just thinking about her. "Mm, well I guess I'll have to get to know her. She's really pretty though." She tilts her head. "Yeah." I agree. "Really pretty.." I say to myself. "What?" She asks. "Nothing." I shrug.


Saturday rolls along, and Kate invites me to go to the mall with her. We've just been walking around, stopping in stores here and there.

"This ones cute.." Kate says and holds up a navy blue lace bra. "Yeah." I agree and shrug my shoulders. "Soooo, you should get it." She says. "For you?" I ask. "No. For you silly." She smiles. "Uh- I don't know, I don't really like that one." I shrug and she rolls her eyes and puts it back down.

"I'm gonna walk around." I say to her and she nods. So I walk to the other side of Victoria's Secret, and I end up in the lingerie section. I look around and see some really cute stuff, but I'm not really wanting any of it. I turn around to head back to Kate, but my eyes catch this amazing ass, a certain somebody's ass, and I know exactly who it is.

Jennifer was over to my right looking at some lingerie too. I walk over to her and stand behind her. "Who's that for?" I ask since she was holding a lingerie set. She gasps and drops it back down where she got it from, then she looks over her shoulder at me and she rolls her eyes and goes back to looking.

"Unfortunately, they're not for anyone, Leah." She says in a cocky tone. "Hm, ok.." I say and lean beside her and just stare at her while smiling.

"What?" She asks annoyed. "I didn't say anything." I shrug. "Ok, but you're looking at me with that face on your face. You always do that and you know it." She says and cocks her head at me putting the lingerie back down. "Well I can't help it!" I giggle, and she just rolls her eyes and walks around some more.

"Mmm, is this cute?" She asks and holds up a bra. "Yeah, super cute." I agree, and I actually mean it. "Good, imma get it." She says and smirks to herself, then she slowly starts making her way to the check out. "Great, I'd love to see it on you.." I say and bite my lip slightly. She stops walking and turns around at me, and I just keep smirking.

Jen looks around for a second until she eyes Kate over at the pantie section. "Shouldn't you-...go back to your girlfriend? She probably needs your help deciding on which training bra to get.." She says and makes that bitchy smile that she always does. I shake my head and nod.

"Did you just target Kate on her boob size?" I ask and kind of laugh to myself. "Uhm, hm, I think I did." She smiles and makes this fake shocked face. I shake my head and flip her off.

Then she blows me a kiss as she walks to the checkout line. I roll my eyes and giggle to myself, then I head back over to Kate. "You ready?" I ask. "Yeah!" She says and we walk out of the store.

We head out and start walking down past the other stores. Then Kate's phone starts to ring, so we both stop walking, and she answers it. So I just stand there looking around.

I look behind me and I see Jen step out of the store, she looks back and forth, until her eyes meet mine and she just winks at me and starts walking the opposite direction. Swaying her hips back and forth dramatically, even more than she usually does. And I know she's doing it on purpose since I'm watching her.

I shake my head and turn back around facing forward.

Kate stays in the phone for like 3 more minutes, then she finally hangs up and walks back to me since she kind of distanced herself to talk.

"Sorry about that." She says and holds my hand as we start walking again. "You're fine." I shrug.


I get back home after dropping off Kate at her house. Then I throw myself in my bed including all the bags from the mall, and I just go on my phone.

I scroll through Instagram, then a notification pops up at the top of my phone.

Jen iMessage 7:30

I read, and a soft smile forms on my face. I click on the notification and read her message.

Jen: "Hey, would you be up for going on a double date with me?" I read and I'm lowkey surprised.

Leah: "A double date?"

Jen: "yeah, that's what I said.."

Leah: "Uh, sure that could be fun."

Jen: "Ok, Monday, at 6, and I'll text you the place I decide on"

Leah: "Alright."

That was...unexpected. I mean I could never picture Jen going on a double date with anyone. She's an obsessive person, and I know she likes to keep her lovers to herself, and to have their full attention. But I guess this could be a good thing, this means she's moving on, and hopefully she'll stop being so petty.

But what I'm wondering is, who is she going with? I doubt she met anyone between the time we've stopped seeing eachother. Maybe it's an old friend or something, I hope it's not a girl...what if she's prettier than me. Oh god, get a hold of yourself, Leah.

It doesn't matter anyhow. I have a girlfriend, and I don't need to be worrying about Jennifer's love life since I'm nowhere in it, even though I wish I was..

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